I have read a lot of post on the board saying insulin is very hard or impossible to cut with. I was put on it 4 weeks ago along with other gear and am currently cutting b/f very well. Is it just hard because of diet or what? I am running it with the following: test prop 300 mgs/week, fina 500 mgs/week, t3 - 2 ed, equipoise 300 mgs/week, m1t - 3 eod...... jump started first 2 weeks w/ anadrol 50 mgs/ d. I am taking slin up to 20 iu/day (split into 3 shots- humulin r). Havent had any problems....very srtict diet/workout. Had a lot of professional help before i started it (was kinda worried bout slin) but i have gone from 215 @ 10 %b/f to 210 @ 6%b/f in the 4 weeks. How much has the slin affected my gains both good and bad? thanks - nik