I decided to change up my summer cycle that Im starting in July....this will be my first cutter so please critique and let me know what I need to change:

Weeks 1-8: SL Test prop 90 mg ed
Weeks 1-8: QV winnie 50 mg eod (shots not oral)
Weeks 1-8: QV Anavar 10 mg ed
20mg nolvadex ed ran throughout
clomid for pct

I wanted to run EQ too but I didnt see how I could since eq needs to be ran at least 10 or 12 weeks. If I can get ahold of some good legit primo I will run that at 200 mg a wk.
Weight training 5 times a week, 30-45 min cardio 6 days a weeks, Diet will consist of chicken breast, lean steak, egg whites, protein shakes, and low amounts of complex carbs. This willo be my 3rd cycle. current stats 27 y/o, 11+yrs of experience, 5'6", 210 lbs, bf ?