My name is Richie Cunningham and my wife's name is Oprah.

Just want to give a shout out to everyone. I'm a new comer to this forum so I thought it was only polite to say hello. I've been viewing for quite some time but only posted on an alternative forum. I don't know if name mentioning is kosher.

I've been getting really serious about my training for about a year now and it's pretty much taken over my life. But that's a good thing, I guess. I work out about 4-5 times a week and try and eat like a horse. I'm currently 6' 3.5" and 235lbs. My goal is to reach 260 ish.

I've been studying up and doing lots of research recently. Knowledge is the key!
I'm panning on starting my first cycle in the next few weeks with a friend of mine.
Here's the plan so far:

Week 1-5 Anabol 30mgs ed
Week 1-12 Testoviron 500mgs ew
Week 7-12 Winstrol 50mgs eod

Normal PCT with clomid and nolvadex. From what I've read, HCG might not be entirely necessary.

Some ******** for hair loss and case of rubbers for the hardons!

I was planning just to do it for 10 weeks and I might switch back, but knowing me, I'll be pissed at the end because I'll want to go the extra 2 weeks but with no gear.

I'm looking forward to starting a journal and getting this boat rockin! I also look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions concerning my cycle.