Hey yall. ive been gone a while. but i am back.
i Went down to mexico for the weekend and got a whole bunch of goods. and want to split into two cycles. here is what i got and what i was thinking of doing. please give me your most best insights.
write now i am in copetition i am 6' 238lbs 3%bf i am normally
260 offseason.

humilin R
100 proviron 25mgs
100 novaldex
100 arimadex
200 anadrol 75mgs denkll
nandrolone 300 2-10 cc bottles syd labs
propinate 100mg 2-10cc bot QV
enantate 250 2-10cc bot QV
50 100mg primobolon 1cc vials

my planed cycle
50 adrol 1ed with nandrolon 600mgs wk
stak w hum-r 1month 2days on 2days off 20i.u.s day

start 1cc enanthate/1cc prop every3days a week out from ending anadrol.
hit 1cc primo after nandrolon is gone. every 3 days.
start on hum-r after 1month off 3 days on 2 days off 20 i.u.s day.
i am experienced in inslin.
please all tell me what u think.