I had some blood work done Monday morning. I will be getting the results on Friday. This is just for reference for everyone to see if my past use/abuse of drugs has done anything significant.

I'm currently using Test E @ 600mg/wk

My blood test about 6 months ago showed slightly elevated AST and ALT liver enzymes. Other than that, nothing was wrong. This time I am also checking GGT, as well as homocysteine and a general lipid panel.

In the time since my last blood, the concerning drugs I've used are:

DNP @250mg/day for a total of probably 3 weeks (spread out over the 6 months, one or two days in there I used 500mg)

Oral Winstrol @50mg/day for a total of about 8 weeks

Methyl 1-Test for 2 weeks @ 15mg/day

I've been on test for God knows how long...