Just started monday. My cutting is strictly diet, but these is what i'm taking to get an extra edge and to maintain muscle:

Test-E: 400mg/wk

Clen: Damn, i'm on 3 tabs (20mcg) and i'm super jittery! I'm sticking to 3 only!

Cynomel (T-3): I'm going up by 1/2 tabs everyday, will be maintaining for 3 days on 3 tabs (25mcg/tab) then start tapering down by 1/2 tabs again.

The test i will be running it for 12wks, the clen and t-3 i will be running those 2 weeks on 2 weeks off with an ECA in the middle 3 times. Probably pure old school Ripped Fuel for the ECA! Hopefully i'll get a good 15lbs of fat off! My diet is in check. Everything is low fat, moderate carb, high protein. I need to bump up the protein though. Hope i reach my goals by the summer! I'll keep you all posted!

Stats: 190lbs 20%bf

Goals: 170lbs 10%bf : of course, this is not expected in 2-months!

Cycle History: 2nd Cycle

We'll see what happens, i'll keep you all posted!