Well bros that time has come and here in a couple of weeks i am going to start my new cycle...My last one looked like this...'

Brovel t200 600mgs week for 10 weeks
reforvit liquid dbol 40mgs for 5 weeks
fina 100mgs ed for 8 weeks

And to my disbelief i didnt put on but 5 lbs but my bf went down about 2% and my strength went through the roof. Everyone told me i looked alot bigger so i dont know.Guess i put on quality muscle mass..I am currently 6' 215lbs at around 7-8 % bf...So i am looking to set up my cycle like this...

Aratest 750mgs/wk for 10 weeks (1ml three times a week)
Eq 500mgs/wk for 8 weeks
dbol 30mgs/day for 6 weeks

I have plenty of liquid clomid and liquidex(thanks to www.researchkits.com), and HCG...

So what do you guys think of this cycle and should i change it in any way or add things?Thanks
