Hey whats up guys
This seems to be the most active part of the site...Wanted to post a hey thread in the general discussion area....no one has posted there for like ever it said....

im an 18 year old guy from the lower NY area like 45 min away from NYC
wanted to give myself a formal introduction....ive been on car forums before so i know how things work...

Ive actually been browsing on this forum for a good week and a half now and finally decided to join the people look cool here which is a +

Ive been lifting for around 4 months now...used to be a big burner....still do smoke a lot but now im trying a healthy- er approach....u really do get a high after you leave the gym, you just have a better well being which is mint.

Im 6 foot 145 pounds and well im here to get bigger haha.
Ive read plenty on anabolics, effects, newb tutorials and threads and used the search button countless times. Learned so much way before i even posted here
Im babling now but heres my ?

4 months training is basic enough to start a cycle? yes or no
and by cycle i just mean in general im in the midst of piecing a personal one together
