what's up fella's? quick question about dbol...
its a stupid question, but there is a method behind my madness...
i've done lots of research, and i know dbol alone sucks and i fully expect to lose all the gains made while on it...but how long does it take before you start seeing any results with dbol?
for instance, if i just wanted to use it for a 10 day stretch would i see anything at all?
alright...here's why i ask...
1. i've done tons of research, this is purely speculation...so please...no flaming
2. i've never tried dbol, but it's what i've got on hand
3. i'm about to start my first cycle of DNP, on for 7-8 days, off for 10 days, then possibly another 7 day cycle, depending on results...what i wanted to do was supplement with something for those 10 days to help bring the strength and energy levels back that i'll lose during the DNP cycle...
4. i know dbol is dosed daily which means it SHOULD have a pretty quick onset, but i'm not sure and i don't want to waste some perfectly good gear?...i don't expect to keep any gains from it...and based on the short duration of use, i don't expect to have to use any PCT (50mg once daily), however, i do have everything on hand just in case...
finally, is 50mg once daily to best way to take it? i have it in capsule form, so its not like i can break it up and take it throughout the day.
thanks guys, i know you know your shit, so i'll be waiting for some trustworthy advice...