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    Thread: Bromo FAQ (Good Read)

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      Default Bromo FAQ (Good Read)

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      • Bromo FAQ (Good Read)
      • Bromo FAQ (Good Read)
      • Bromo FAQ (Good Read)
      • Bromo FAQ (Good Read)
      • Bromo FAQ (Good Read)
      • Bromo FAQ (Good Read)
      At the request of a couple guys, I bring to you two killer bromo articles, there's 1 more out there I'll try to find, enjoy.....

      BromoFAQ (T-mag)

      Most of you have been waiting with bated breath for an update regarding my experiences with the dopaminergic drug, bromocriptine maleate (BM), something I've talked about before here in this column and at the T-Mag forum.

      [Editor's note: Bromocriptine's approved use is for treating Parkinson's and other neurologic disorders.]

      I've continued to use Parlodel (brand name bromocriptine maleate) as I'm fortunate enough to have an enlightened physician friend who's legally prescribing it for me. While previously I was excited by the theoretical fat loss potential of BM, I have to say that practically, the results surpassed even my expectations.

      Currently, I'm 174 pounds at under 6% body fat as measured by calipers. Now I'm sure some of you out there are going to say, "Shit, man, you're tiny!" Well then, this segment of "Useful Stuff" is not for you! If you're interested in becoming a 250-pound monster, my experiences and my opinions are probably of minimal interest and use to you. Lots of luck, fellas. But if you're interested in more of an underwear model type of look (a look that women seem to appreciate a whole lot more than the Conan the Barbarian look), read on.

      Are you still with me? Good! BM has helped me lose just over sixteen pounds of adipose tissue in about two months. So how did I do it? I started by taking 2.5mg of BM per day before bed back in the middle of the summer. This was actually a mistake. For starters, the dose was too high for me to start with and taking this before bed was probably not a smart idea. Unfortunately, BM has some CNS stimulatory effects (at least on me) that caused me to have a heck of a time falling a sleep. A few days into this experiment, I opted to switch from taking it before bedtime to taking it around 6 or 7 A.M. in the morning. If you're planning on using BM, I'd strongly suggest that you not take it at night.

      However, even switching to the daytime didn't eliminate all the side effects. I still felt "twitchy"… I suppose that's the best way to describe it. Suspecting that the dose might still be too high, I opted to cut back to 1.25mg of BM per day and titrate my way up. I feel this method is the absolute safest and best way to use BM. So I'd also suggest that if you're going to try BM, start at 1.25 mg.

      I titrated up as high as 6.25 mg per day which was the threshold of tolerability for me (and then I dropped down to 5.0 mg which is where I am now). The way I titrated up was to increase the dose by 1.25 mg every five days. This seemed to minimize the CNS and psychological side effects that BM can impart.

      So how did BM make me feel and what did I use with it? Well, I ended up adding in a small amount of Cytomel around the third week (25 mcg of T3 per day to be exact). I'm not sure how necessary this is for everyone, but I noticed that I was "cold" in the mornings about two weeks after I started the BM. My body temperature was down about 0.4 degrees Fahrenheit and I decided that this could adversely impact my quest to metabolize fat (so hence, I added in enough T3 to get by body temperature back to baseline). I'm not sure if the drop in body temperature was caused by the BM or the change in my diet, but it's surely something you might want to look at and be aware of when you start using BM. Adjust accordingly.

      Dopaminergic agonists tend to have a stimulant effect. I actually like the way BM makes me feel; it seems to "up my energy" but not in a speedy, ephedra sort of manner. I'm more alert and less drained when using BM.

      It also affected my diet in an unconscious manner. I've always craved carbohydrates — this flaw has always been the demise of any dieting program I've undertaken and made keto dieting (especially Fat Fasting) exceedingly difficult. I noticed that BM tended to blunt my craving for carbs. It also blunted my appetite.

      I wouldn't characterize BM as an appetite suppressant in the manner that phenylpropanolamine or phentiramine resins are, but I noticed that instead of eating everything on my plate because it was there, I only ate until I was satiated. So yes, my caloric intake dropped by about 500 calories per day (this is an average and a guesstimate) and I consumed less carbohydrates (this was unintentional).

      Upon reflection, my diet looked a lot like the old Isocaloric Diet that Dan Duchaine used to espouse where you eat an almost equal ratio of carbs, fats, and proteins. It's important to add that all of these changes in my diet were unconscious and I never felt hungry or unsatisfied. My tastes just changed quite a bit while using BM.

      My results thus far with BM look like this: when I started this experiment, I weighed 196 pounds and held about 13.2% body fat. Yesterday, I weighed in at 174 pounds at approximately 5.5% body fat (it's hard to be exact with the calipers when your skin folds get thinner). This represents just over a sixteen-pound loss in body fat in two months. I realize this may not seem spectacular when compared to keto dieting, after all, this merely represents a two to three-pound weight loss per week. Heck, people do that with Slim Fast. But there are a few things to keep in mind that make this truly interesting, if not downright amazing:

      1) My loss of lean body mass was minimal. Of the 22 pounds I dumped, less than six pounds of that was LBM. Had I opted to use a mild anabolic or MAG-10, I'm sure I could've eliminated any and all loss of LBM.

      2) I made no conscious effort to change my diet! This is truly huge. Even though my diet did change substantially, it wasn't a conscious effort. All I intended to do was take a few extra pills per day, not suffer through some Draconian dieting scheme. This was very easy!

      3) I feel fantastic. When was the last time you heard of anyone feeling truly fantastic while trying to lose weight?

      I'm sure I could've lost more fat in this time period had I "known what I was doing" (remember, this was an experiment). I'm going to continue using BM at 5.0mg per day for the next sixty days or so. Expect another, more in-depth update at that time.

      I'll leave you with a few final thoughts about using BM for weight loss. I'd suggest not using any ephedra based products (or yohimbine or synephrine) with BM as even the smallest dose of ephedra (8mg) caused the hair on the back of my neck to stand straight up. You'll most likely not enjoy the way you feel with stimulatory alkaloids if you're on BM. I'd also suggest that you consider adding an anabolic with BM (MAG-10 will work fine). If you do choose to use BM, drop us a line here at T-mag and let us know your results.

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      Each tablet contains: Bromocriptine mesylate 2.87 mg (equal to 2.5 of base bromocriptine)
      Excipients Colloidal silica, magnesium stearate, polyvinyl pyrrolidine, corn starch, lactose.

      Parlodel Is Available In
      Boxes containing 30 2.5-mg tablets, to be taken by mouth.

      Pharmaceutical Classification
      Prolactin secretion inhibitor with dopaminergic effect.

      Parlodel Is Recommended For
      Galactorrhoea accompanied or not by amenorrhoea; post-partum effects (Chiari-Frommel); idiopathy (Aragonz-del Castillo); tumoral effects (Forbes Albright), side effects from pharmaceutical products (psychotropic and contraceptive drugs). Prolactin-dependent amenorrhoea without galactorrhoea. Hyperprolactinaemic infertility. Menstrual disorders (premenstrual syndrome, brief luteinic phase) Prolactin-dependent male hypogonadism Acromegaly: The initial treatment for this problem is surgical or by means of radiotherapy. PARLODEL is a useful adjuvant in either treatment and may be used without them in certain cases.

      Idiopathic and arteriosclerotic Parkinson's disease. PARLODEL is particularly beneficial to those patients who show a decreasing response to L-dopa, and in cases where the effects of levodopa therapy are restricted by the presence of the "on-off" phenomenon. Taking this product with L-dopa brings about an increased anti-Parkinson effect which permits a lower dosage of both pharmaceutical products. PARLODEL can be taken on its own in preliminary or mild cases of Parkinson's disease and may also be taken with anticholinergic drugs and/or other anti-Parkinson products.

      If you are expecting a baby or think that you might be, it is unwise to take this product.

      The safety and effectiveness of PARLODEL (bromocriptine mesylate) has not been confirmed for treatment of adolescents younger than fifteen years of age.

      In patients with galactorrhoea and prolactin-dependent amenorrhoea, menstrual disorders or acromegaly, PARLODEL may eliminate pre-existing sterility. Women who may become fertile but who do not wish to conceive should therefore adopt a mechanical form of contraception. The exact cause of infertility should be determined before beginning PARLODEL treatment.

      Pregnancy should be avoided if hypophysial adenoma has been diagnosed. A marked lengthening of the sella turcica or a defect in the field of vision requires, first of all, surgery or radiotherapy. PARLODEL is only recommended should these measures fail. In the absence of hypophysial adenoma and should the patient be anxious to conceive, PARLODEL treatment should be stopped as soon after conception as possible (early pregnancy diagnosis with immunological test) since knowledge of the possible effects of this pharmaceutical product on the development of pregnancy and the fetus is as yet inconclusive. As a precautionary measure in the case of confirmed pregnancy, the possible negative effects of a pathological hypophysial problem associated with the pregnancy should be controlled regularly (for example, checking the field of vision).

      Sporadic gastrointestinal bleeding has been known to occur in patients with acromegaly, whether they are undergoing PARLODEL treatment, another treatment, or no treatment at all. Until more complete information is available, it is thus preferable for acromegaly patients with case-histories of peptic ulcer to receive some other form of treatment. If it is essential that such patients take PARLODEL, they can soon expect signs of such gastroenteric reactions.

      Caution is advised when PARLODEL is taken in large doses by patients suffering from Parkinson's disease with case histories of psychotic disorders, serious cardiovascular problems, peptic ulcers or gastroenteric bleeding.

      Some cases of pleural effusions have been reported in Parkinson patients undergoing long-term high-dosage PARLODEL treatment. Although the causal correlation between PARLODEL and these reports has not been proved, it is still advisable for patients who show inexplicable pleuro-pulmonary signs or symptoms to be examined and the possibility of stopping PARLODEL treatment considered.

      Interactions With Other Medicines
      The possibility of interactions between bromocriptine and psychoactive or hypotensive drugs should not be ruled out. Particular caution should be taken with regard to patients undergoing treatment with ergot alkaloids or products which might possibly increase arterial pressure.

      Special Warning
      For instructions as to the use of this product during pregnancy or by patients with acromegaly and/or hypophysial adenoma, see "PRECAUTIONS". Treatment must be carried out under medical supervision, including hormone dosage and gynaecological consultation. All women being treated with PARLODEL for a continuous period of longer than 6 months should have gynaecological check-ups once a year if they have not reached menopause, and every 6 months if they are undergoing menopause (with cervical and if possible endometrial cytology). Women with affections not linked to hyperprolactaemia should take the lowest possible effective dosage of PARLODEL to alleviate the symptoms, so as to avoid the possibility of lowering the prolactin level below normal with a consequent alteration of the luteinic function. Tests concerning plasmatic prolactin and post-ovulatory progesterone should be carried out on such patients if treatment is prolonged for longer than 6 months. In the event of hypotensive reactions, which can occur with certain patients especially during the first days of treatment, particular care should be taken when driving or operating machinery.

      Directions For Use
      This product is always to be taken at mealtimes. Galactorrhoea and/or prolactin-dependent amenorrhoea, hyperprolactaemic infertility: half a tablet 3 times daily. If this is not sufficient, increase the dosage gradually to 1 tablet, 2-3 times daily with meals. Continue the treatment until the mammary secretion disappears completely, and, should the problem be compounded by amenorrhoea, until the menstrual cycle returns to normal. The treatment may be continued if necessary for several menstrual cycles in order to avoid a relapse. Disorders of the menstrual cycle:- Pre-menstrual syndrome. Begin treatment on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle with a half tablet per day, then gradually increase the dosage by half a tablet until reaching the dosage of 1 tablet twice daily. Continue this treatment until the onset of the menstrual flow.

      Brief luteinic phase. Half a tablet 3 times daily, gradually increasing the dosage to 1 tablet twice daily with meals until the luteinic phase has returned to normal.

      Male hypogonadism: half a tablet 3 times daily, gradually increasing to 1 tablet 3 times daily for a period of 2-3 months.

      Acromegaly: Start by taking 1 tablet per day, gradually increasing the dosage over 1-2 weeks to 4-8 tablets, according to the patient's needs, clinical response and tolerance. The daily dosage should be divided into 4 separate and equal doses.

      Parkinson's disease: The effects of Parkinson's disease can be combated with low doses, 10-15 mg daily. The effective therapeutic dosage when PARLODEL is taken alone is usually high (30 mg or more per day).

      However, if PARLODEL is taken together with L-dopa, with or without the dopa-decarboxylase inhibitor, a lower dosage may suffice. The recommended initial dosage is 2.5 mg twice a day (at mealtimes) for a week. The dosage increase must be gradual and regular: normally not by more than 5 mg every 2-3 days in the initial phase of treatment. Later on, the final dosage increase can be done gradually, not more than 10 mg at a time, depending on therapeutic response and tolerance. Similarly, each reduction of the L-dopa dosage must be gradual until optimum results are obtained. In certain cases L-dopa treatment may be stopped altogether.

      In Case Of Overdose
      Cases of life-threatening overdoses have not been reported. The single maximum dose taken by an adult has been 225 mg. Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, orthostatic hypotension, excessive perspiration and hallucinations have been observed. Treatment of acute intoxication is symptomatic. Metoclopramide may be used for vomiting and hallucinations.

      Adverse Effects
      During the first days of treatment, some patients may experience mild nausea and, less frequently, dizziness, fatigue or vomiting. However these side effects have never been of such an intensity as to require a suppression of treatment.

      In rare cases, PARLODEL may lead to a lowering of blood pressure. For this reason supervision and evaluations of out-patients are advisable during the early days of treatment. Should such undesired side effects persist, the dosage should be reduced.

      Reversible pallor in fingers and toes caused by cold should be reported in the case of patients undergoing a prolonged treatment of 20 mg and more, especially in patients who have previously suffered from Raynaud's phenomenon.

      There have also been cases of vasospasm, hallucinations and confusion, hypotension and diskinesia.

      Constipation, drowsiness and, less frequently, psychomotor excitation, leanness of the jaw and leg cramp have also been reported during treatment of Parkinson's disease with PARLODEL.

      At times certain dose-dependent effects may be controlled by a lowering of the dosage. Postural hypotension may be unpleasant but can be treated symptomatically.

      If, after taking this pharmaceutical product, the patient notes unpleasant side effects which are not described in this leaflet, he should consult his family doctor.

      Special Storage Precautions
      Store this product out of the sunlight and at a temperature not exceeding 25°C

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      #3 (and my Favorite)

      By Serge Kreutz
      October 2002

      Bromocriptine is a well-established drug for two conditions, increased levels of the hormone prolactin and Parkinson's. The best-known brand name is Parlodel. The standard tablet dosage is 2.5 mg.

      Bromocriptine also has a sexuality-enhancing effect, though it is not commonly sold for that purpose. Nevertheless, there is little doubt that in many people, bromocriptine will support sexual response. The reason why the drug is not specifically sold as impotence or frigidity medication: a sufficient number of studies to achieve FDA approval for the purpose of sexual enhancement have not been conducted.

      In view of the enormous marketing success of Pfizer's Viagra, many pharmaceutical companies are interested in distributing substances that enhance sexual response. However, for "old" drugs, the patents of which have expired, there is little incentive to invest into the necessary clinical trials.

      The sexually enhancing effect of bromocriptine is very different from the effect of Viagra (generic name: sildenafil citrate). Viagra works primarily on the sexual organ, providing chemically for better rigidity, or some rigidity in the first place.

      Bromocriptine, on the other hand, works on the brain, making a person more receptive for sexual stimulation and creating a frame of mind for more powerful orgasms. Both effects are a logical consequence of the way, bromocriptine is traditionally used… to lower levels of the hormone prolactin, and to increase levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine.

      High levels of prolactin are generally associated with a decreased sex drive. So, by lowering levels of prolactin, especially when they are high, bromocriptine increases the interest in sex.

      A similar effect is achieved by bromocriptine through the neurological route. Bromocriptine is used as a medication in Parkinson's because it will cause higher levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Parkinson's is a disease caused by dopamine levels that are too low. Low dopamine levels normally also cause a loss of interest in sex, and an increased sex drive is a common "side effect" of many Parkinson's medications. One person's side effect is another person's cure.

      While the increase in sex drive caused by bromocriptine may be hard to measure, the effect on orgasms is more obvious. Orgasms become more powerful, ironically because they are better controlled. The pre-orgasm plateau phase can last for minutes on bromocriptine, and orgasm will be accompanied by a pronounced histamine reaction (stuffed nose).

      Bromocriptine is a prescription drug most everywhere, though in many countries of the world, prescription drugs can be bought over the counter. In countries where prescription drugs are indeed only sold on prescriptions, it is within a physician's discretion to prescribe a drug for conditions for which it has not originally been approved. To get a prescription for bromocriptine, please proceed to https://online-consultation-prescriptions.com. The site offers a straightforward deal. You subscribe and are referred to a doc who issues prescriptions for sexual enhancement (doc’s fee not included in the subscription price). If, for any reason, you should be denied a prescription, the subscription price will be refunded, and the doc won’t charge either. Prescriptions are issued for men between 25 and 65 years of age.

      For a substance to be approved as a medication, an illness has first to be defined for which it is a cure. Nowadays, there are many newly defined illnesses, such as clinical depression, attention deficit disorder, erectile dysfunction … conditions, which have previously not been considered illnesses but just part of the individuality of a particular human being.

      Some members of our species are smarter than others, and some are happier, and some of the males are more virile than their neighbors. Not to be as smart as a genius, and not to be as virile as one's neighbor aren't diseases in the classical sense. But new illnesses are constantly defined, because the pharmaceutical industry has on hand a medication to overcome the condition. So, if there will soon be a medical condition named Weak Orgasm Syndrome, or Clinical Sex Drive Loss, bromocriptine is a sure medication candidate.

      Bromocriptine belongs to a group of drugs derived from the ergot fungus. A more concentrated dopaminergic drug that is also derived from ergot is Dostinex. Dostinex is a new, patented drug, which is why clinical trials have been financed to look into its application to improve sexual function, especially the enhancement of orgasms.

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      On a personal note- You would seriously be amazed at how well bromo combats the clomid "blues". I dont know about anyone else, but I get a little emotional on clomid and bromo negates almost ALL of that. the last article is most descriptive of this as related to bromo's physiological functions as applied to sexual functions.

    5. #5
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      you should really learn about the cytochrome P450 pathway before jumping on bromo. It has A LOT of drug contraindictions.


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      Read that earlier....I think Im in the clear.

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      good post

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      Thanks, YJ


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    10. #10
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      thanks brp good info

    11. #11
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      Originally posted by YellowJacket
      On a personal note- You would seriously be amazed at how well bromo combats the clomid "blues". I dont know about anyone else, but I get a little emotional on clomid and bromo negates almost ALL of that. the last article is most descriptive of this as related to bromo's physiological functions as applied to sexual functions.
      Nice YJ!

    12. #12
      viper10139's Avatar
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      very good read thanks!!

    13. #13
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      Originally posted by YellowJacket
      On a personal note- You would seriously be amazed at how well bromo combats the clomid "blues". I dont know about anyone else, but I get a little emotional on clomid and bromo negates almost ALL of that. the last article is most descriptive of this as related to bromo's physiological functions as applied to sexual functions.
      You can take bromo with Clomid and it won't combat the other?
      "Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that, unless we love truth, we cannot know it."-Pascal

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      Originally posted by latinsteel
      You can take bromo with Clomid and it won't combat the other?
      I dont think there is a drug interaction. The twins returned to normal quickly as they always do on clomid and I didnt cry while watching movies on Lifetime, so if there is a drug interaction, I dont know about it and it didnt effect me.

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      • Bromo FAQ (Good Read)
      • Bromo FAQ (Good Read)
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