Ok, i'm about to start my cutter and will be taking cynomel and clen for the extra edge. I will be adding test as well for muscle sparring. I'm getting confused with the researches i've done. Some say take it "with" clen for 2-3wks, some say take clen first, and on the wks off of clen you take in T-3 w/a fatburner?! This is really confusing. These are my thoughts, tell me what you think:

12wk cycle:
Wks 1-12......400mg/test-e
2wks on 2wks off of clen stacked "with" cynomel. Both ramping up, maintaining, and ramping down. I will be doing no more than 75mcg of cynomel. These are my ramping %'s: 5% ramp up time, 45% maintenance time, and 55% ramp down time.

What do you all think? Any suggestions? Any other way that you all take it? On the off (in between) weeks I will be taking fatburners. Thanx for the help......