Originally posted by High Octane
I guess I read to much Flex magazine. I read an article by Lee Priest where he said how he eats like a pig and stacks on 50 Lbs in a matter of a few months, but I should know he sure as hell isn't taking Sust, he's taking the best stuff money can buy. With my Frame if I could get to 235 I would look fuckin awesome, I just want to be a HARD 235, then I'll see hopw it goes from there.
Have you seen what he looks like after he gains 50 lbs in a few months??? He's a fat ass. He looks horrible. I'd say way over half his weight gain is fat. He really looks bad. Don't go by anything you read in Flex.

If you're wanting to put on muscle...concentrate on bulking then shed the fat post cycle. You can easily lose fat off a cycle but it's WAY harder to gain muscle. Since you're using steroids now.....get as much muscle building out of them as you can...then cut after post cycle therapy.