Im running 500 Test E, week 12 of 16, and I'm getting a hernia repaired either late this week, or 1st of next week. I go see the surgeon Thurs make the appt. I know the recovery time will either be 1-2 weeks (for laproscopic surgery), or around 4 weeks for open surgery. It will depend on my insurance company, as to which one they'll cover. I have enough clomid for pct, but what should I do. Should I continue the shots for the last 3 1/2 weeks, then start pct like normal, even though I won't be able to lift? Should I lower the dose, to maintain, then start pct? Or should I stop the test now, and start pct two weeks after the last shot? Waiting for the surgery is not possible, as it hurts like a ***** to even cough or blow my nose! Need some advice, please. Thanks. Mac.