A few ideas that mey help to protect your Liver.

Here are a few natural supplements (and a little about
each) that can greatly aid the liver and kindeys while
on a cycle:

1.Water: Pure water is the most important 1.5-2
gallons daily is a must while on a cycle!!!!!!!!

2. Milk thistle:
Effective dose 500mg-1000mg divided into equal doses
twice daily
This plant is native to the Mediterranean and grows
wild throughout Europe, North America and Australia.
Milk Thistle has been used in Europe as a remedy for
liver problems for thousands of years. Its use was
recorded in the first century (AD 23-79), noting that
the plant was excellent for protecting the liver.
Early Christian tradition dedicated milk thistle to
Mary, calling it Marian thistle. In the 19th century
the Eclectics used the herb for varicose veins,
menstrual difficulty, and congestion in the liver,
spleen and kidneys. Milk thistle has also been taken
to increase breast-milk production, stimulate the
secretion of bile, and as a treatment for depression.
Milk thistle nutritionally supports the liver's
ability to maintain normal liver function. It has
shown positive effects in treating nearly every known
form of liver disease, including cirrhosis, hepatitis,
necroses, and liver damage due to drug and alcohol
abuse. Milk thistle works due to its ability to
inhibit the factors responsible for liver damage,
coupled with the fact it stimulates production of new
liver cells to replace old damaged ones.
Milk thistle has been proven to protect the liver from
damage. The detrimental effects of environmental
toxins, alcohol, drugs and chemotherapy may be
countered with this valuable herb. The active chemical
component in the herb is silybin, which functions as
an antioxidant and is one of the most potent liver
protective agents known. Clinical trials have proven
silybin to be effective in treating chronic liver
diseases and in protecting the liver from toxic
chemicals. An injection of silybin is a proven
antidote for poisoning with the Deathcap mushroom
(Amanita phalloides).

Evening Primrose Oil
this one works great when combined with Milk thistle
Effective dose: 1000mg
This natural vegetable oil is extracted from the
invaluable Evening Primrose plant. This exceptional
nutritional supplement provides linoleic acid,
gamma-linoleic acid (GLA) and two Omega 6
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).
Your body requires significant amounts of these fatty
acids for good health.
These hormone-like compounds help reduce inflammation
in the joints and also regulate blood vessels, salt
and water balance, insulin secretion, nerve function
and natural resistance. Evening Primrose Oil helps
keep the skin, hair and nails healthy and protects the
liver from toxins.

3.Cranberry Extract:
Effective Dose: 800mg-1600mg daily in 2-4 even doses
Historical or traditional use (may or may not be
supported by scientific studies): Cranberry has been
used to prevent kidney stones and “bladder gravel” as
well as to remove toxins from the blood. Cranberry has
long been recommended for persons with recurrent
urinary tract infections (UTIs).
Active constituents: Cranberry prevents E. coli, the
most common cause of UTIs and recurrent UTIs, from
adhering to the cells lining the wall of the bladder.
This antiadherence action renders the bacteria
harmless in the urinary tract.1 2 Recently, the
proanthocyanidins in the berry were shown to have this
antiadherence action.3 Cranberry has been shown to
reduce bacteria levels in the urinary bladders of
older women significantly better than placebo, which
may help to prevent future infections.4 Other
preliminary studies in humans suggest cranberry can
help people with urostomies and enterocystoplasties to
keep them clear of mucus buildup.

Dandelion powder:
Effective Dose 1000mg-3000mg
Among herbalists dandelion is classified as a bitter
herb with cool energy. It is valued mostly for its
benefits for the urinary and glandular systems and as
a liver and kidney tonic. Herbalists turn to dandelion
for its ability to enhance the efficiency of the
body's eliminative and detoxifying functions. It is a
mild laxative and diuretic. It has traditionally been
used as a tonic, blood purifier, for constipation,
inflammatory skin conditions, joint pain, eczema and
liver dysfunction, including liver conditions such as
hepatitis and jaundice. As a tonic dandelion
strengthens the kidneys and may be helpful for
conditions such as water retention and high blood
pressure. It does not deplete the body of potassium
like many diuretics.

ALA :>)