hey... 1 did my 1st cycle 3months ago (deca 200-300-400-400-300-200/week and dbol 20-25mg/day for 4 weeks)
did the cycle gor 6 weeks total... after the 4th week my nipples became sore and i started using nolva 10mg/day (for the next 3 weeks) and at the end of the cycle i also did 50mg of clomid for 2 weeks. My nipples however continued hurting and i could feel hard bumps underneath them (like half a golfball)
i didn't use more nolva or clomid since i had no more money left...
it's been 3 months now and my nipples still hurt (i have been taking ephedra and doing lots of cardio and the bumps did get smaller but i can still feel it a bit)
i want to start my second cycle in a week or two
300mg deca/week (6 weeks)
250mg sest/week (6 weeks)
30mg dbol/day (4 weeks)
my question now is (since i know i'm prone to gyno) should i start using nolva right from the begining (also how much of it) and also will it have any negative effects on my gains?
(i was thikning of 30mg/day of nolva and no clomid)

(oh and btw i'm 6'2" and 210lb)