Ok, here is the scoop. I have a broken tailbone. I am suffering form poor sleep, and am stressed to teh max with school,(chem engineering student, so it it is hard!) ,work, wife and daughter.

Since I can't work out real hard, here is my goal to help maintain weight and maybe even lower my BF a little if poossible. I have not worked out for a little over 2 weeks now and have been eating like shiat!

200mg test cyp. weekly

Supps and meds during day:
nexium 40mg
Nuerogenx 3 caps ed
ALcar 3g daily
Alpha lipoic acic 100mg 3x ed
Psyllium husk 1000mg 3x ed
DMAE 100mg ed
Coenzyme Q10 100mg ed
B-12 500mcg ed
B-5 (pantothenic acid) 500mg edd
B-6 100mg ed
Vitamin E 200iu ed
Green tea extract 400mg 4xed (40%catechins/60%polyphenols)
Guggulsterone Powder 20mg 3x ed
Multi-vitamin 1 tab 3x ed https://www.n101.com/cgi-bin/n101.sto...1dc0a8010c0670
Orchard's fruit extract 1 tab ed
Garden veggies extract 1 tab ed

Night time/bed time:
nexium 40mg
elavil 50mg
xanax .5-1mg when needed (about 5 nights a week)
GABA 3 grams
L-taurine powder 5 grams
zinc 50mg
Folic acid 400mcg

Also, , temporarily taking Lortab's 10/500 4-6 tabs a day, just because the idiot work comp doctor put me back to work with my broken tail bone, but I see my own personal physician soon and most likely will be pulleed so I can discontinue narcotics.

Does this look Ok? Any suggestions, ,alterations, or additions anyone reccomends?

Also, I have a buch of fenugreek from when my wife firts started breastfeeeding, and I have seen it in some sups pr men. Does it have any values for BBer's? If so what?

I can only do very very light weight lifting and no cardio, but I want to try and keep loosing a little bit of BF, as it is pretty high at about 15-16% right now at 220lbs.

Thanx! Dragon