for the drug side of it, in almost every case, hcg will speed recovery. you can recover without it, but it will help you recover faster, and faster recovery is better when it comes to post cycle.

use hcg 500-1000iu ed for 10 days or so, maybe even 20 days if your really shut down. run 10mg ed nolva along with it, or if you dont have nolva, 50mg ed clomid will work too. then jump right into clomid only, or nolva only, or a combo of both.

still run clomid the same amount of time after last shot as normal, usually this means starting the hcg while your still on cycle.

many have found anastrozole helps recovery a little bit too, and helps with clomid acne a ton. may want to run .25-1mg ed along side the post cycle plan as well.