back in april i threw up blood and an initial endoscopy determined i had a tear in my stomach and a hiatal hernia. i was given some meds but kept vomitting all the time for no reason, regardless if i just ate or hadnt eaten, it didnt matter. a second scope of my stomach revealed the tear was healed and there was no sign of the hernia. doctor did numerous blood test and other tests but couldnt figure why i kept vomitting. eventually things got better and i could eat normal again.

i was fine for 2 and a half months. now the nausea is back worse than ever. the past week i cannot eat a solid meal. i can be really hungry and take one bite and then feel sick and have to throw up. all that i can get down are my shakes. this sux, i am on a bulker right now and cant even eat solid food. some people think it is stress related since there are some things going on that are stressful but i dont think that is it. i mean, i have an appetite but as soon as i trry to eat i cant do it. WTF?