Here are my results after the fourth week of this cycle
1-4 40mg dbol ed
1-10 300mg deca
1-10 500mg sus
5-10 500mg prop (added from original cycle plan)
6-11 75mg fina ed (added from original cycle plan)
8-13 50mg winny ed

I have not gained any weight this week, but I'm still up 11 lbs from start date...I did feel a little sick earlier in the week which may be the reason for no gains....My look, however, is MUCH harder...I have actually pulled another loop on my belt, which means I'm losing fat around stomach...This is a surprise that seemed to happen almost over-night...I don't understand (feedback?)...My strenght gains aren't even worth a mention...This is a big reason for adding the extra prop...My goal was to put on 25 lbs to bring me up to 245...Stuck at 231....I ate 4 steaks this weekend and I expect alot more gains next week from sust and added prop..i also did no cardio the last few days