Originally posted by Disposable_Hero
Here is a perfect example of what NOT to do..I was grossly underwieght when I started my first cycle, and had done very little research. I started way too soon, and this is the result of my ignorance...

Here is my complete cycle history..I was 19yr old, 5'11" 140lbs when I ran my first cycle. I'm currently 21yr old, 5'11" 185lbs, ~8%BF.

dbol/winny (both IP)
-- My thoughs were "I'll blow up with the dbol, then I'll take the winny afterwards to preserve all my gains..I'll be huge, and I'll never have to cycle again!" Pretty good plan, except that the winny didnt do a thing for me, and I lost all my dbol gains post cycle...damn.

Weeks 1-8: 75mg Test Prop ED
-- Well, this was supposed to be a Test Cyp cycle, but my source screwed up and sent me IP Test prop..he got busted before he could correct the mistake, so I was stuck with a few vials of liquid shit. I decided to run it anyway, but the frequent injections and pain from the IP prop was too much for me to handle, I got sloppy and had very minimal gains..

Weeks 1-10: 600mg Test
Weeks 1-10: 600mg Deca
--This cycle was awesome, got great gains, and kept most of them..

Cycle 4:
Weeks 1-2: 50mg drol
Weeks 1-6: 100mg Prop EOD
Weeks 1-6: 75mg Fina ED
--I was so paranoid about losing gains, that I went straight into this cycle before taking time off from my last one...I also got a horrible stomach flu that hospitialized me for a few days, the cycle was a total waste, and I ended up losing weight because of the stomach flu.

Cycle 5:
Weeks 1-10: 600mg Test
Weeks 1-10: 600mg Deca
--I'm currently on this cycle, and its going pretty good...

So there you have it....I learned ALOT through my mistakes..I'm much wiser and more dedicated than I was..I now realize that growth doesnt just come from a syringe or a pill...

Newbies listen up, Listen to the good people on this board, they know what theyre talking about. If your not killing yourself in the gym 4-5 times a week, maticulously counting your calories and protein intake, going to bed early to get your 8 hours sleep in, and spending hours with your face glued to a computer monitor or book, learning as much as you can about AAS..then dont even bother, do it right or fucking go home.

All comments/flames are welcomed..


I know where your coming from bro. I had a pretty similar experience myself. Instead of being 140lbs a was 135lbs 5'11'' and I started at age 17. I was just tired of being the skinny guy. My dream when I was little was to look like Arnold from watching his movies when I was smaller.

My first cycle started off when it was the summer of me going to be a senior. I just wanted to enter school my senior year bigger and badder. So during the summer I went to buy roids. I went to this doctor in Mexico. First off I went with a bud of mine which he knew where to get the shit. We bought some Sostenon. During that summer I did a 4 week cycle which I didnt know much about roids back then. Hey I got good results from that but I couldve gotten better if I wouldve done a longer and better cycle. I went from 135 to 165. I kept the gains I made that summer, I went to school all bad-ass, but I wasnt satisfied.

My second cycle was on the next day before my graduation. Again we went to buy out gear, but this time we bought some TESTOPRIM-D which is a mixture of Test Eth/Prop at 250 mg a pop. I did a 6 week cycle of this and it kinda helped but not much. I only gained 5 pounds of it and it hurt like hell the next day after the injections. Which weeks after this cycle I lost everything and plus 10 pounds from the previous cycle.

My third cycle was around August of 2000. I did a 6 week cycle of Soste and Stenox. That cycle was awesome cause I fricken grew the way I wanted it to grow. The first week I noticed and people asked me "What the f@%k are you taking. I went from around 160 to 195. The Stenox made me crazy so I had to stop taking it. It would make me bleed from my mouth and nose alot. I lost 5 pounds from this one.

My next cycle was ok but not what I wanted. I took Reforvit for 12 weeks which was stupid. I didnt know much about this roid. I got big but within weeks my weight dropped fast. I took other roids here and there but all sucked.

My last cycle I ve done was back this spring break 2002. I did an 8 week cycle of Refrvit and Testosterona 200. This cycle was my best one so far. I went form 190 to almost 215 and I took Clomdi right after this cycle. The thing that sucked about this cycle was that I stopped lifting weights and eating right ever since May. I really stopped becuase I started partying to much and drinking. I lost everything I gained on this cycle but I found out what really worked for me this time. But its a trip when people look at you and stare.

This next cycle Im planning to be strict about it and not fuck around anymore. Im planning to use Anadrol instead of Dbol this time and add some Eq. to the cycle. But I always tell people that wanna take roids to know what there doing first before taking them. I ve seen friends thinking roids are the only way of getting big, but thats not even half of what it takes to get big. You need to train hard, diet, rest, and take your supplements. They think that 1cc or 2 will turn them into monsters. I just tell them not to waste their time or money if they are not going to be serious about it. I also hate it when people say im fake cause im taking roids. They dont even know the f@%in hard work it takes to achieve to get a better and bigger body.