This is what I have planned for this fall. My stats are as follows: 5'11", 186lbs, 9%bf, 3 cycles completed (Just finished a cutting cycle). I am also extremely gyno prone as I've found out through trial and error the last couple years, so that is why you will see my anti-es at relatively high doses. Also I wont use eq as it gives me bad anxiety, and dbol gives me horrible gyno and headaches

Weeks 1-10 test cyp at 700mg (QV)- 1.2cc's MWF
Weeks 1-6 fina at 75mg EOD (homebrew)
Weeks 7-12 winny at 50mg ED (capped generic powder)
Weeks 1-15 femara at 2.5mg ED
Weeks 1-15 nolvadex at 10mg ED
Weeks 13-15 clomid at 300/100/50
Weeks 13-15 clen ramping up to 120mcg ED

Any obvious flaws?
I know I will get comments that my anti-es are too high, however I've had to go as high as 2mg of Arimidex ED +20mg nolva ed to not get gyno while on test, and that was on only 100mg EOD of prop.