I was given a bottle and have started to use it. For those unfamiliar with this product it is a topical Yohimbine/DMSO product.

It comes in a 60 ml bottle and per dose has 50mg per ml. It is to be used on thise stubborn areas like your love handles etc...

It's day 5 already and so far it seems I've got a rash on my stomach. Well, lets just say I'm ITCHY!!! Good thing I only used it on my abdominal region. Upon applying it, there is a warm sensation followed by a 30 minute itchy period. I've been applying it twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed.
Also, it seems that it has made my skin start to flake. I would assume that is the effects of the DMSO.

For those of you interested, I will track my progress here and let you know my honest and unbiased feelings on this product once I have finished the bottle.

On another note, I am also taking some super clen, caffine, green tea extract and white willow.