The general dose for the Male - 1.3mg/day

there is allot of counterfeit and/or bovine growth hormone sold out there! The two biggest frauds I see is Lilly product sold out of Mexico - All of it is fake. Lilly can only sell to endocrinologist, and their price to foreign markets is about the same as its sold here in the USA. What we see out of Mexico is bovine GH sold with a fake Lilly label. Remember that GH is species specific.

Call Lilly directly for more information, and with your lot number. A contact there is Mark Hartman, MD 800/545-5979.

With GH sales, if it sounds "too good to be true", it probably is! GH will sell for about $80 for 4IU! Exactly what GH do you have and how did you obtain it?

When someone writes in saying they aren't getting results off GH, we always discover that they are taking one of the zillion counterfeits out there...

There counterfeit Genentech out of south africa; fake E.Lilly out of Mexico and France, (remember: our US companies export to those countries at about the same price they charge here in the USA); fake serostim (see the recent FDA alert); and several fakes out of China.
