Hi guys, i am from the womens forum typing for my husband. He has some questions; He is a member (big gunz 185) he is lazy tonight!

he is 42, 6'2, 255 lbs, bf 11%, end of 3rd cycle. Cycles 1 & 2 were test cyp. This is over the course of 1 year.

he has been on a 12 week stack cycle of:

250mgs e4d-test enth.

300 mgs e4d- deca

He is planning next cycle, this is the gear on hand.

trenbolone 70mgs/ml

Wistrol stan qv 50mgs/ml

Advise as to when can he start?

What can he expect from this? he would like to lean down over the next 12 weeks.

Do we need a bridge?

what should like cycle look like.