Ok, check this out.

My first cycle I dropped 70lbs of fat and brought my waist from a 38 to a 30. I had been a fatass for about 9 years. What gets me is that now over the last three months I have gorged and eaten ANYTHING and EVERYTHING in site and have not gained a flippin pound.

Now, when I say ANYTHING I'm talking Kit Kats, Reeses, 4-5 Liters of Mt Dew a DAY for 3 months. Not 1 single pound, waist is still a 30, and arms are the same size.

So, I started my next cycle and wanted to add some mass now that I have dropped the fat. I obviously stopped eating the crap before this cycle but I'm curious as to why in the hell I didn't gain any fat??? I always thought I was an Endo but I guess I'm an Ecto that had a few years of fat built up.

So, given that I seem to be able to eat small cities of crap I was wondering what kind of diet I should go on for mass. I was used to the mentality of no more that 100 carbs a day for a long time but that isn't gonna cut it anymore. Any ideas on the carb counts? Will it benifit me to just freaking eat anything and everything in site, if for no other reason than to see if I gain muscle or fat???
