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  • age in which someone should start to juice?
  • age in which someone should start to juice?
  • age in which someone should start to juice?
  • age in which someone should start to juice?
  • age in which someone should start to juice?
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  • age in which someone should start to juice?
  • age in which someone should start to juice?

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  • age in which someone should start to juice?
  • age in which someone should start to juice?
  • age in which someone should start to juice?
  • age in which someone should start to juice?
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    Thread: age in which someone should start to juice?

    1. #1
      alwayzgrowing's Avatar
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      Default age in which someone should start to juice?

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      • age in which someone should start to juice?
      • age in which someone should start to juice?

      • age in which someone should start to juice?
      • age in which someone should start to juice?
      • age in which someone should start to juice?
      • age in which someone should start to juice?
      • age in which someone should start to juice?
      • age in which someone should start to juice?
      that was a rhetorical question. one of my friends asked me this today. i think that question has no definitive answer. it varies from person to person. bouncer, i hope you dont mind me using you as an example. if you do, let me know and ill change it. but here is a young man that is dedicated to the sport, at the age of 22. if he knew four years ago this is where he wanted to be, then he NEEDED to start back then. if he didnt start when he did, 1,2,3 yearz ago, he would not be where he is today.

      now take your typical lifter who juices. some 22 year old punk who was 135 pounds when he started. he had much room to grow naturally, but decided for laziness reasons he should start. it is these type of juicers who give us bad names.

      sorry, had to vent

    2. #2
      sicilian's Avatar
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      WEll, bro, being that I am much older than 22, and knowing what I know now, I'd say 22 is still a bit young. Personally I feel 26-28 on is a good age to start for men. But that is just my opinion.

    3. #3
      goliath.jr's Avatar
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      I waited till mid 20's. 22 is a bit young...but it's better 16.
      The burden of originality is one that most people don't want to accept. They'd rather sit in front of the TV and let that tell them what they are suppose to like, what they're suppose to buy, and what they're suppose to laugh at. You have Beavis and Butthead telling you what music you're allowed to like and not like, and you've got sitcoms that have canned laughter that lets you know when to laugh if you're too stupid to know when the joke is. People are too lazy and too stupid to think for themselves because America has raised them that way.

      mod @ superiormuscle.com

    4. #4
      alwayzgrowing's Avatar
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      neither of you two feel as if goals and dedication can make a difference??

    5. #5
      goliath.jr's Avatar
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      It has nothing to do with either. It has to do with stunting your natural growth potential. It has to do with stunting the level of natural test, things of that nature. Your body is still going through a lot of changes at that age.
      The burden of originality is one that most people don't want to accept. They'd rather sit in front of the TV and let that tell them what they are suppose to like, what they're suppose to buy, and what they're suppose to laugh at. You have Beavis and Butthead telling you what music you're allowed to like and not like, and you've got sitcoms that have canned laughter that lets you know when to laugh if you're too stupid to know when the joke is. People are too lazy and too stupid to think for themselves because America has raised them that way.

      mod @ superiormuscle.com

    6. #6
      Drveejay11's Avatar
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      What age? When you have truly fully exhausted ALL your genetic limits with optimal training, dieting, and live a lifestyle that will "allow" for these things.

    7. #7
      Drveejay11's Avatar
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      Also, when you have educated yourself on al the do's and don'ts

    8. #8
      alwayzgrowing's Avatar
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      most people wont reach their natural potential till their 30's. so this is when we should all start?

    9. #9
      dolfan2451's Avatar
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      i started at 21....worked wonders for a year..then my "friend" moved out of state, and im up the river. im not sure if its mental or what but i cant get the same kind of motovation as b4...i lost gains and still tryin to get them back

    10. #10
      Iapetos's Avatar
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      I did my first cycle when I was 29. In the end it boils down to being educated and weighing the risks associated with AS use. It's generally advised to wait until you're at least 21-22 but everyone has to decide for themselves when they think it's the right time. I just hope everyone does their research before making that decision.

      - Iapetos

    11. #11
      jaypwshs's Avatar
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      how 'bout 18

      i just finished an 8 week cycle of deca, and i'm starting an 8 week cycle of depo.

      i take 1mL every 7 days.

      i don't think it is that bad, the way i see it is, other people my age smoke weed and drink to get a high. I don't do any of those, i just take AS to better myself:p

      i am also under the guidence of someone who has been taking AS for 6 months.

      what do you guys think about my cycles?

    12. #12
      habs's Avatar
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      I've been looking for all the information possible for the past 3 months about the juice. I'm only 17 and, I'll tell you why I did it. I might study in nutrition, and I already know a LOT about nutrition. But I want to do a research if ever I can get the founds on the juice. It's banned almost everywhere and there's a such bad reputation. I wouldn't fear myself to use gear (not at 17yo, maybe at 21-22). And I fear to eat 3 bacon slices...

      To awnser the question. If the growth plates are closed, the puberty is finished since a while, if you're training since a while and already put on great gains and already slowed down a little bit naturally. I see no proplem doing one light and short cycle at a younger age. But no more than one or two (with a long period of time off the juice if doing two cycles) and only if the lifestyle and nutrition (with supplementation) is perfect. There is so much condition that it applies to almost no one under 22-23... But if you are younger and using it very smartly and safely for 1 or 2 light cycle with mild steroids, it is ok...

    13. #13
      goliath.jr's Avatar
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      Like I said before. 22 is better than 16.

      Saturn had some very good points. I say, if you truly believe that you are ready - go for it bro.
      The burden of originality is one that most people don't want to accept. They'd rather sit in front of the TV and let that tell them what they are suppose to like, what they're suppose to buy, and what they're suppose to laugh at. You have Beavis and Butthead telling you what music you're allowed to like and not like, and you've got sitcoms that have canned laughter that lets you know when to laugh if you're too stupid to know when the joke is. People are too lazy and too stupid to think for themselves because America has raised them that way.

      mod @ superiormuscle.com

    14. #14
      Warrior's Avatar
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      OMG Fitnessgeared is unique in that it has not been littered with minors trying to impress some chick - or beat up some bully. If they were really interested in sports or bodybuilding they would understand they have plenty of growth in them and need to learn the safe way... put on a solid foundation so you know how to keep your gains and how to lift safely.

      It's Generation Creatine - kids looking for the next big magic pill. I can't stand it when an adolecent posts about fucking with their endocrine system at a dellicate age. This is the last time you will see me in a thread like this - the topic is dead in my mind.

      Nuff said...

      "Be patient and tough; some day this pain will be useful to you."

    15. #15
      MUS315's Avatar
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      • Get the Fitness Geared
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      • age in which someone should start to juice?
      • age in which someone should start to juice?

      • age in which someone should start to juice?
      • age in which someone should start to juice?
      • age in which someone should start to juice?
      • age in which someone should start to juice?
      • age in which someone should start to juice?
      • age in which someone should start to juice?
      age is a touchy subject because everyone wants to grow. I have a 17 year old brother who ask me daily to hook him up. I honestly believe if a person take juice at the end of their growth period, they will grow larger than they would have natrualy. Now what age is that. It is different for everyone. I see my brother growing so he's not done. I remember what it was like with my friends juicing and me watching. I went from a size 9 to 11.5 when i was 21 so AS helped me boost. My brother has good health, skill, and size. He is fast and will probally have plenty of time in college to catch up.

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