ok now everyone knows that if you read MUSCLEMAG your bound to see stuff on MUSCLE-TECHs products. I think they own that damn magazine geez. well anyways, they always brag about their shit being the best. Well all of us AS users need something because we cant get big just eating. I take Optimum 100% whey protein and think it works great. But im almost out and i like to try different stuff to compare. Is Nitro-Tech as good as they say?
What about CELL-Tech is it worth the money?
And Hydroxycut? im already lean, but after cycle and during cycle would be nice to be a lil more vascular and defined.. i only have 7% bf. I love seeing veins though.

meso-tech bars? heard they taste great, but i like the detour bars also.
basically are muscletechs products as good as they say.