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  • How long until testosterone is out of my system?
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    Thread: How long until testosterone is out of my system?

    1. #1
      Dzone's Avatar
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      Default How long until testosterone is out of my system?

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      • How long until testosterone is out of my system?

      • How long until testosterone is out of my system?
      • How long until testosterone is out of my system?
      • How long until testosterone is out of my system?
      • How long until testosterone is out of my system?
      • How long until testosterone is out of my system?
      • How long until testosterone is out of my system?
      I had blood work done a while back and my testosterone was very high, like 950. The blood test was done about 2 weeks after I injected a combo of Enanthate and cypionate. So now my doctor wants to prescribe testosterone for me but said I need to show a very low test level in order for her to prescribe test for hypogonadism. She advised to stay off the injections for a while and then redo the blood test & hopefully it will show that I have low T. My question is how long should I wait? My last shot of 200 mg Enanthate & 200 mg of cypionate was on March 22. It sucks going this long without but I need to test low in order to get a prescription for testosterone. Thanks!!!

    2. #2
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: How long until testosterone is out of my system?

      talking with a va doc about this last week as a matter of fact and she told me that it could take up to 3-4 months to entirely bottom back out. idk how much truth to that their is but i can tell you that if you want to speed up the process to 3-4 weeks you can run low dose tren and mast only and it will absolutely crush your test levels. i pulled labs for my hrt guy a year or so ago when i was running high test and all the other goodies and it was off the charts high. then he pulled labs 2 weeks post show after i had take test out completely for 4 weeks and my total test came back at 6 and me free test was unreadable. so that should do the trick faster. idk if your state allow private labs but you can check your test levels through maerk health for around 30 bucks. they are a sponsor on elitefts table talk and i am pretty sure they have a discount code on every episode. all of their individual labs are pretty cheap as well.
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      Default Re: How long until testosterone is out of my system?

      The ole tren chokes off the test trick!! Good one!

      You could sit around for days watching Lifetime Television re-runs and cap it off with Hallmark holiday films to really punch that estrogen! LMAO!

    4. #4
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      Default Re: How long until testosterone is out of my system?

      Quote Originally Posted by 6p6 View Post
      You could sit around for days watching Lifetime Television re-runs and cap it off with Hallmark holiday films to really punch that estrogen! LMAO!
      LOL If Dzone starts logging onto the board really sad and emotional, we know he's just purposely bottoming out his test levels.
      Last edited by Yohimbe; 05-07-2024 at 12:17 AM.
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    5. #5
      jipped genes's Avatar
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      Default Re: How long until testosterone is out of my system?

      Quote Originally Posted by 6p6 View Post
      The ole tren chokes off the test trick!! Good one!

      You could sit around for days watching Lifetime Television re-runs and cap it off with Hallmark holiday films to really punch that estrogen! LMAO!
      Start taking birth control pills too for that extra estrogen kick. HAHA

      If cyp has a 10 day half life I would figure the levels would drop precipitously after a month but shows up for some time at low levels. My TRT doc knew when I was gaming my test levels for more test on my bloodwork. Better to try for a little more than a lot.
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    6. #6
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      Default Re: How long until testosterone is out of my system?

      The duration for testosterone to completely leave your system can vary depending on several factors, including the form of testosterone (e.g., injected, oral, transdermal), the dosage, your metabolism, and individual differences in physiology. Here are some general guidelines:

      Injected Testosterone: Testosterone injections typically have a longer duration of action compared to other forms. Testosterone esters such as testosterone cypionate or testosterone enanthate can remain detectable in the body for several weeks to a few months after the last dose.

      Transdermal (Topical) Testosterone: Testosterone patches or gels applied to the skin can result in gradual absorption into the bloodstream. It may take several days to weeks for testosterone levels to decrease significantly after discontinuation.

      Oral Testosterone: Oral testosterone formulations are usually rapidly metabolized and eliminated from the body compared to injected or transdermal forms. Testosterone pills may clear from your system within a few days to a week after stopping use. FMWhatsApp

      Individual Factors: Metabolism, liver function, hydration, and other individual factors can influence how quickly testosterone is metabolized and excreted from the body.

      If you're undergoing testosterone therapy under the guidance of a healthcare provider, they can provide more specific information about how long it takes for testosterone to clear from your system based on the form and dosage you're using. Additionally, if you're concerned about testosterone use in the context of drug testing or other reasons, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

    7. #7
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      Default Re: How long until testosterone is out of my system?

      Well, I stayed off testosterone for about 2 and a half months. I got the results of my blood test and holy crap my test plummeted down to 90. I think I was 850 back in March about a week after 400 MG of Test E & C mixed. Honestly, this is the longest Ive been off test in years. How did I feel? Not bad at all. My moods werent down and my energy level was good. The only thing I noticed while being off Test for 10 weeks was that my libido went down the shitter. As soon as I did the blood test I went straigh t home and gave myself a shot, haha...

    8. #8
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: How long until testosterone is out of my system?

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      Well, I stayed off testosterone for about 2 and a half months. I got the results of my blood test and holy crap my test plummeted down to 90. I think I was 850 back in March about a week after 400 MG of Test E & C mixed. Honestly, this is the longest Ive been off test in years. How did I feel? Not bad at all. My moods werent down and my energy level was good. The only thing I noticed while being off Test for 10 weeks was that my libido went down the shitter. As soon as I did the blood test I went straigh t home and gave myself a shot, haha...
      it is far better for you to be stupid high in your test levels than rock bottom low when it comes to cardiovascular health man. that came straight from my doc and i have seen and heard other top docs say the exact same thing. everyone is different with how low t impacts them. hell some people walk around rock bottom and have no issues at all and some drop down to 400 and arent able to function. it's crazy how much different everyone's bodies and hormones actually are. then again when you think about it, most top level olympians barely take anything for the most part and they are nasty and then some take boat loads and look nasty. then you take a normal guy and pump him to the gills with the same setups and they barely look like they train. so that's another crazy indicator of how different we all are
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      Default Re: How long until testosterone is out of my system?

      Depends on what Ester test. Prop is like 3-5 days. Cyp 14 or so I believe and enanthate 10 but I could have gotten last two backwards.

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      Default Re: How long until testosterone is out of my system?

      And,don't come off totally. You would have been OK even dropping to 125 a week.

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      Default Re: How long until testosterone is out of my system?

      From my experience, it usually takes about 4-6 weeks for your levels to drop enough after stopping injections.

    12. #12
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      Default Re: How long until testosterone is out of my system?

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      • How long until testosterone is out of my system?

      • How long until testosterone is out of my system?
      • How long until testosterone is out of my system?
      • How long until testosterone is out of my system?
      • How long until testosterone is out of my system?
      • How long until testosterone is out of my system?
      • How long until testosterone is out of my system?
      Testosterone can take 1-3 weeks to clear out of your system, depending on factors like dosage, administration method, and individual metabolism. However, the full hormonal balance may take longer to normalize, potentially up to several months.
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