Well here are the results of my 12 week 75mg ed fina only cycle. I started 6 foot 235 20% bf. Benched 325, curled 130 10 times............. Now 12 weeks later, ran my cycle. Bench 400, curl 175 10 times. Weight 258 15% bf. Leg strength went way up, but forgot to mark where I started at 12 weeks ago. Oh well. Anyways My lats and delts got the biggest improvement visually, but I look pretty damn good all over now!!! I wish I had b4 and after pics, but my Digital Cam had crapped out before, so no pics from before. Fina only rules LOL!!!! This was my first cycle in 8 years. I am 28 now. I am to fina now what Rado is to QV. Hats off to Chem for his service, hats off to all of you guys for the good advice, and hats off to getpinz.com for being as fast as lightning!! My sides were hardly noticeable if any. Gotta start the clomid in 3 days, but I think my body deserves the break!!