So I this week I was on my business trip to Tucson. A conference. One certain event during this trip has made Juicing, taking health risks, spending money on the drugz, all my dedication in the gym and being anal about my diet all fuckin worth it.

Seeing as I'm talkin about steriods, it belongs in the anabolic forum

So my company is partnered with a larger American company were there are about 3 conferences held every year. So I've gotten to know quite a few people over the past couple years. The last conference with our American partner was in October. I went there about 170
I went to this conference at a hard and lean 205. Now, I never thought that I gained muscle and mass, but when the folks that I know were fuckin shocked to say the least! One guy I know actually said "Are u takin steriods!" Of course not! I was gettin compliments up in that mofo, that i felt embarrased.

So, last year at this time I was at the same conference. And one of the employees a vendor was this drop dead gorgeous blonde. Now, I know, we all see hot blondes, however this gurl looks like she belongs in Playboy, Vogue, Miss America something like that. She is tall, tanned, amazing. At that time last year she was only 22
I did meet her and talked to her a few times, nice gurl actually. Probably one of the most stunning gurls I have ever met in my life.

So to my surprise she was at the conference this week. I've changed alot even in the past 6 months let alone a year. So I didn't go up to her, thinkin that she didn't recognize me. Even though during the whole conference (3 days) she couldn't keep her eyes off me. Plus, I not the type of guy that sees a beautiful women and run up to her like a puppy dog. Like fuck, I've dated plenty of hot gurls (i say that modestly), not like these other married smucks that were goin up to her like bees on hunnie. This what probably pissed her off, that I didn't say hi. Oh well, I could live with myself if I didn't talk to her. BTW, she is married
So the last day, she actually came up to me. Imagine how she felt, drop dead gorgeous women going up to a guy. LOL
And guess what, she had nuthin but compliments for me on how I looked. She was impressed with what i have done to my body. She did bring up that I didn't say hi, hahaaha. I aint ur average guy! So we had a good convo, and she kept on talkin to me the rest of the day. Funny stuff. Its like playin hard to get, disciplined, being strong worked. I won!! I didn't give in and approach her.

Anyways, to keep this "Anabolic" people are always sayin how bad this shit is. Done responsibly, u are gonna get results and stay healthy. This week proves to me its all worth it. Juicing is worth it. Its our bodies we can do whatever we want. Now, someone that tells me that juicing is stupid, they can go fuck themselves, oh yeah, take a good look at my muthfuckin body! I mean, I'm not an insecure person, but it sure felt good to get all those compliments, especially from Utah's finest. This gives me more drive and dedication, its all been worth it. :needle: