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    Thread: On cycle Clomid

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      Default On cycle Clomid

      Is there a benefit to running clomid (or in my case, encyclophene, or nolvadex alongside Cypionate?

      I’ve been running very low dose TC for a couple years now and am going to increase for a few weeks. Any pointers for a test only cycle to maximize effectiveness? I’d like to add something like EQ or Win, but TC is all I currently have.

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      Default Re: On cycle Clomid

      So, i think running a serm like nolva or clomid while on cycle does limit shutdown of HPTA to a degree.

      On the flip, I also think that a serm still allows test to convert to estrogen so if you need an anti E an AI such as aromasin is better on cycle if you are having estrogen related problems.

      If on a low does of T you may be hurting gains. Some estrogen is favorable. Estrogen has an effect on IGF and GH in the body.

      What is your dose of T?

      Winny or EQ would go well with the T.
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      Default Re: On cycle Clomid

      I honestly wouldn't run it with only a low dose of test unless you're experiencing some estro sides. I'm a fan of only using SERMs/AIs if there is a specific reason versus throwing them in there anyway as a preventative. Some times they can do more harm than good if you really don't need it.

      What's your dose currently and what are you planning on bumping it up to?
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      Default Re: On cycle Clomid

      labs labs labs. estro check and if you want to see if you are good with shbg and all that good stuff check your free test or shbg but you dont need to check both. if you free test is high then your shbg will be low and vice versa most of the time. clomid is a nasty nasty compound that causes a bunch of negative issues including blindness so i say no freaking way on that one. if you are on hrt for good then adding in all the other stuff that is used to kickstart(and it is now practiced and known that it doesnt) are not needed.

      cool thing i picked up on from an hrt doc is this: so we have always been of the belief that when we come off we need this array of pct blah blah. hcg clomid novla etc... well we now find out that hcg does jumpstart the boys but in turn also continues to surpress and once it clears the natty test also goes back in the hole again. so that is a no go and it is used in cycle to prevent you from being sterile and doesnt always work. also with our belief in clomid and nolva to kickstart and prevent estro rebound etc.... now he is saying that it has been found that this practice is also no good. granted it does supress estro and do the things that we want but as a response to the drop in estro the test will also come down lower and take longer to come back on line. he says that his approach now is to come off cycle or what have you and just let the body normalize in it's own time. he says if your body is capable of coming back online it will and that our hormone pathways are complicated and they ebb and flow of one effect the other and the approaches we use mess with the process of allowing them to normalize properly and actual time off is the only way to bring it back online effectively
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      Default Re: On cycle Clomid

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      cool thing i picked up on from an hrt doc is this: so we have always been of the belief that when we come off we need this array of pct blah blah. hcg clomid novla etc... well we now find out that hcg does jumpstart the boys but in turn also continues to surpress and once it clears the natty test also goes back in the hole again. so that is a no go and it is used in cycle to prevent you from being sterile and doesnt always work. also with our belief in clomid and nolva to kickstart and prevent estro rebound etc.... now he is saying that it has been found that this practice is also no good. granted it does supress estro and do the things that we want but as a response to the drop in estro the test will also come down lower and take longer to come back on line. he says that his approach now is to come off cycle or what have you and just let the body normalize in it's own time. he says if your body is capable of coming back online it will and that our hormone pathways are complicated and they ebb and flow of one effect the other and the approaches we use mess with the process of allowing them to normalize properly and actual time off is the only way to bring it back online effectively
      I always wondered about this. We're taught the golden rule of PCT from the genesis of our journey with gear. It's been ingrained in our heads that we have to throw the kitchen sink at ourselves when we come off to get everything back online. The science has progressed so much from the golden era, through when I was younger and first started, then into and today's world of knowledge. I figured it was a matter of time before we find the golden rule of PCT might not have been the correct, or best way to approach it lol.
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      Default Re: On cycle Clomid

      Guns your spot on. Since I’ve been on self administered trt since end of 30s…I’ve played the “do I need it” vs “this makes me feel like crap” game. I will hit hcg once in awhile to give my system a jolt but I’ve gone long periods without it…when at one time it was religion for me. Kicked nolvadex a long time ago.never felt like it did anything but make me feel crappy. Now clomid im on a long run without it but I used to hit it once a week and found that it made me feel better.

      Mid 40s now and all that extra crap makes me sick so I wonder how bad it was for us as we sucked it down like golden rule!

      Never thought I’d be micro dosing my test daily but I love it.

      No clomid, no hcg, no nolvadex…

      To answer botttles question I’d say a two week run at a quality tribulus and maca would be more beneficial.

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      Default Re: On cycle Clomid

      Quote Originally Posted by 6p6 View Post
      Guns your spot on. Since I’ve been on self administered trt since end of 30s…I’ve played the “do I need it” vs “this makes me feel like crap” game. I will hit hcg once in awhile to give my system a jolt but I’ve gone long periods without it…when at one time it was religion for me. Kicked nolvadex a long time ago.never felt like it did anything but make me feel crappy. Now clomid im on a long run without it but I used to hit it once a week and found that it made me feel better.

      Mid 40s now and all that extra crap makes me sick so I wonder how bad it was for us as we sucked it down like golden rule!

      Never thought I’d be micro dosing my test daily but I love it.

      No clomid, no hcg, no nolvadex…

      To answer botttles question I’d say a two week run at a quality tribulus and maca would be more beneficial.

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      wouldnt even waste any money on tribulus now man. it has been proven pretty much 100% worthless. i have seen some unreal lab results from dante trudel's abolic or tsterone products from his company the lab. he provides a boat load of research on them and restoring levels and supporting natty test production. like you i have no need for that stuff since i am on doc script hrt for life and i have no plans to have kids.
      something a lot of guys also dont look at is free test levels. this is just as if not more important than actual total test numbers. check that bad boy also to see if you are good to go and recovered
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      Default Re: On cycle Clomid

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      wouldnt even waste any money on tribulus now man. it has been proven pretty much 100% worthless. i have seen some unreal lab results from dante trudel's abolic or tsterone products from his company the lab. he provides a boat load of research on them and restoring levels and supporting natty test production. like you i have no need for that stuff since i am on doc script hrt for life and i have no plans to have kids.
      something a lot of guys also dont look at is free test levels. this is just as if not more important than actual total test numbers. check that bad boy also to see if you are good to go and recovered
      Oh that wasn’t for me! I’m on trt for life but I find trib and especially mace increase “desire” aka libido-which can help you get through!

      That said I personally skip that and prefer maca and oxy aka the love drug OR pt141…but I hate the nausea. I even tried limitless version with the n-acetyl added for nausea.

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