Guns your spot on. Since I’ve been on self administered trt since end of 30s…I’ve played the “do I need it” vs “this makes me feel like crap” game. I will hit hcg once in awhile to give my system a jolt but I’ve gone long periods without it…when at one time it was religion for me. Kicked nolvadex a long time ago.never felt like it did anything but make me feel crappy. Now clomid im on a long run without it but I used to hit it once a week and found that it made me feel better.

Mid 40s now and all that extra crap makes me sick so I wonder how bad it was for us as we sucked it down like golden rule!

Never thought I’d be micro dosing my test daily but I love it.

No clomid, no hcg, no nolvadex…

To answer botttles question I’d say a two week run at a quality tribulus and maca would be more beneficial.

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