Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
I would guess bro. I love mast when on a TRT dose of test. It is like a test enhancer. I run a half dose of the mast compared to the test you can get away with even 1/3.

Oddly if I go over 1/2 I get estro sides which I am very sensitive to. I think is because the mast has a stronger affinity for the androgen receptor and leaves a lot more free test which can aromatase. I do 10 mg of nolva ever 3 days and my muscles harden up nicely.

Another benefit of a strong androgen. They tend to suppress SHBG. More free test or whatever other compound you use.
yes it does free up a little test but also has some anti estro affinity to it. kind of interesting you get estro sides with it. def interesting for sure when it is supposed to do the opposite. crazy how different everyone is