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    Thread: 1st cycle in a while

    1. #1
      pgc640's Avatar
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      I've used this board for years however I haven't for probably the past 2 to 3 years. The reason is I've had medical problems, covid caused me tremendous financial problems and really the last thing on my mind was training especially when the health problems popped up. They were serious and I had to deal with that before I could ever think a training again. But all of that is over with now and yes I've lost so much I have a picture I'll probably post it if I can find it but I took that picture two days before March 20th when everything in New York City shut down including the gyms. I was looking really really good I thought for myself I was thinking about competing because I was I was making such good progress and then everything stopped and it sucked and then I started having other problems like the financial problems health problems.

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      Default Re: 1st cycle in a while

      I'm putting this in more than one section because I'm always limited to how much I can rate and I don't want to getting denied again. I'm not going to get into the health problems the financial problems suck too but I'm over that not also.
      Anyway I'm looking to get back to where I was and I'm actually going to take the time to not compete until 2025 if I do it all and I'll do the Masters Nationals in 2025. But I want to give myself enough time where I could get back I don't think I'll ever get back to where I was in my late twenties early thirties but as close as possible. I don't want to step on stage 50% of what I was. Well the following is the first cycle that I have started and it went along with me pretty much starting training hard and the first week suck training I hated it I didn't want to go to the gym I had a force myself. But this is the second week and I had a great back workout two days ago and today I'm supposed to do arms and I can't wait to go to the gym It's a good feeling I didn't think that was going to come back the way I was feeling the week before. Anyway this is what I'm doing.

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      Default Re: 1st cycle in a while

      600gs of test E done in two shots a week
      300 mg TREN A Monday Wednesday and Friday
      300 mgs NPP also Monday Wednesday and Friday
      60 mg TURINABOL(I was going to do anadrol in the spot but I decided on a mild oral because I haven't done anything in so long I figured I could add the anadrol later on so this is what I'm doing as an oral.
      SOMOTROPIN 3-4 IUS 5 X a week. I'm just going back and forth alternating between 3:00 and 4:00 I use in the 5 days I used it I use it on training days so I trained 5 days a week and those are the days I used the HGH. I've never really used HGH before at a decent dose like this so I'm curious see what it does. I'm actually ordering another hundred I use this coming week I want a really run it for 20, years 30 weeks straight Because of my experience of observing people that have done that it seems like using GH over a long period of time is really the way you'll get the most out of it.
      HUMILiN R 10 Ius after training
      T3 12.5 mcgs day

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      Default Re: 1st cycle in a while

      1st cycle in a while
      I'm only on the second week so I'm going to try to keep you guys posted because I pretty much starting off from scratch again I mean I wouldn't say from scratch I'm still look better than an average person but compared to what I was yeah I'm starting from scratch. So you know I'll keep you guys updated I don't know if I'm going to exactly do a log cuz I'm not on here enough but every so often I'll let you know how it's going.
      And that picture below that's the picture I took on like March 18th of 2020. I mean I wasn't even pumped or anything and I always had problems with my shoulders but I had been killing them and as you can see my shoulders are pretty much wider than they've been in the past. I was really on my way I think but everything closed and everything went to s*** at that point. So hopefully I could get there again.

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      Default Re: 1st cycle in a while

      Damn bro, sounds like you got it figured out. That is a serious cycle. Let us know your progress.
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    6. #6
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      Default Re: 1st cycle in a while

      yeah he isnt playing around at all. jumping in with both feet and head first, if you can even do that
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      Default Re: 1st cycle in a while

      That's hardcore. I'll be tuned in to your progress.
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    8. #8
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      Default Re: 1st cycle in a while

      Okay guys it's been awhile since I mean an update here. I have to say I'm doing great unbelievably great better than I ever thought I'd be doing at this point. For the first time in over 3 years I want to go to the gym and I'm having unbelievable workouts and it's only really been three or four weeks of working out. My weight jumps up to near 180 lb and my body fat is probably less than 8%. I'm about 5'6. So everything is working really well. On the 15th I'm changing up my anabolics and yeah you are right I'm going at this full force I don't play around when I do this stuff I really don't I never did. And I'm eating perfectly I eat seven times a day and I never eat any junk food. So overall right now I feel really really good and I don't know if it's the growth hormone I never use a decent dose of growth hormone before and the one thing I notice is I had horrible lower back pains and they're about gone for the first time in years to the point where I think I may be able to actually squat again. If it's the HgH it's amazing

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    9. #9
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      Default Re: 1st cycle in a while

      So on the 15th of May this is what I'm going to switch to and yeah it's pretty hardcore but I'm going to slam everything hardcore I'm not f****** around.
      600 test C
      400 TREN E
      75 mg Mon, Wed and Fri Winstrol
      Dbol 50 mg a day
      SOMOTROPIN 4 IUS 5 X a week
      10 Ius HUMILiN r after training.
      12.5 mcgs T3
      10 mg NOVELDEX
      I'll run this for 10 weeks and then change it up again I'll run another 10 weeks change it up again and after that 10 weeks I'll go 12 weeks just on 250 a test to get myself a break. Next time I post I'll go in more detail about my diet and training because at that point I'll be training longer I know what I'm doing for the most part and my eating is pretty right on so I'll list that also.

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    10. #10
      smalls1's Avatar
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      • 1st cycle in a while
      Going hard nice!

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