Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
yeah that is correct. so say your hrt dose is 300mg per week and you get 200mg per ml of test c. that equals out to about 25ius on a slin syringe every day. we talked about this earlier and my doc made the suggestion to me to do this with both my hrt as well as when i cycle. he says that being as stable as possible is both more effective for progress as well as health. he even told me that with guys that are estro sensitive he has seen them not to need any anti e because it keeps it from climbing up hardly at all. def a good option.
i did my entire prep micro dosing last year with daily injections. it is a pain in the ass doing it daily but it was far less painful and i had pretty much zero sides. i have been toying around the idea of trying sub q micro dosing everything like i saw vigirous steve talking about. most likely test that out in the offseason though. he says it takes longer for the compounds to build up but once they do everything is much smoother and steady
It sounds like you've been actively exploring different dosing strategies for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and cycling, with a focus on stability for both progress and health. Micro dosing, especially with daily injections, appears to be a route you've considered for minimizing side effects and maintaining a more consistent hormonal profile.