Quote Originally Posted by 6p6 View Post
Thought I’d give an update to my March 2023 posting. Micro dosing rocks and I’m not sure if I will ever stop.

Three months of trial and error. Has led me back to day 1. Insulin syringes are the best. They have a stable plunger…leave very little scar tissue or disrupt anything else.

With micro dosing very rarely have a bad shot. Even if I do it’s small enough dosing to fix quickly.

I tried buying separate syringe and 30ml 1” needles. I’m not sure why but zero problems with 29 g but with 30g it gets really tough. I purchased two different brands of syringes and both had weak plungers that made pushing oil through the 30g like a Parkinson’s patient playing pool!

In the end the con of insulin syringes is tossing one a day. I feel wasteful but I’d rather have no issues.

Dosing wise ive gone up and down but for me the best spot sits at 1.4cc week. If I have a day I know I need more I top off with a little prop .2 cc to give a little boost. I only missed one day since March do to being sick but it was like nothing. Actually felt normal to be below and then spike my next dose with some prob and didn’t miss a beat.

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once i am cleaned out and 100% from this prep i am contemplating doing my entire offseason goodies in micro dosing fashion. i do it with my hrt and prep cycles but always im. i am thinking about giving sub q exclusively a try. i saw vigorous steve and some others use this approach and if it works with hrt and my doc is on board then why the hell not? may take quite a bit longer to peak but once it does it should be the most stable release as possible