TweetMan I went in for my normal donation of a pint and almost got rejected because my iron read at 2.0
I have been on trt for about 4 years and I normally come back around 18.0 unless I'm on another compound.
I'm just glad I got to donate before it got too high.
Just a reminder people we need to donate our magic blood for the ones who are in need.
Tweetdonating is a hell of a good idea to help people out. on the flip side it doesnt really help out with the prevention of cardiac events in those of us that dabble in the world of things that increase rbc and hemocrit. from what i understand from the research i have done and talking with a couple of docs is that it does help in the time that it is out but as soon as your body replaces that blood those numbers go right back up again. so in reality you would need to do something like weekly bleeds for it to be effective and that isnt possible for most and if you are using the red cross and dont have a script to do so, they wont let you.
now on a side not and everyone freaks out about rbc and hemocrit. yes them being high isnt a good thing but that's not what you should be the most concerned with. it's your hemoglobin and platletts that you have to pay attention to. that's where you will see a cardiac event most of the time. way my cardio doc explained it to me is this: he said think about the people that live in high elevations and athletes that using the chambers to increase rbc etc... those guys arent killing over from cardiac events are they? nope. so that isnt the biggest concern its the others you have to keep an eye on as well as bp and other factors like lipids.
i like to ask questions about stuff with people when i get the chance and i ran that by my cardio doc after my hormone doc mentioned it to me when mine was creeping up a bit. something he also told me you need to watch and keep track of is your clotting factors also. those can also cause issues esp when you have gotten the rona or the shot..
TGBSupplements REP
Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order
TweetGood info fellas.
I keep an eye on mine and give blood every quarter. I stay OK with this regimen
TweetObstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), red blood cells and high hematocrit values
OSAS is a sleep disorder that is characterized by a collapse of the upper airway while sleeping. This leads to a low quality sleep, choking sensations, and even hypoxia (low oxygen saturation). A comprehensive study performed between January 2011 and June 2014 shows that high RDW might be a reliable marker when it comes to the severity of OSAS.
I get this bad
Tweeti have it as well and some dumb ass docs wont even put you on trt if it isnt corrected. i use my cpap machine every night unless i am sick. my numbers will start to climb even on trt if i dont use it. i have had it my entire life and never got tested. then when i did they freaked out during my study and put me on a machine after the first hour. the doc working it told me that she wouldnt sit there and let me possibly die. i was like wtf? then when i did my follow up appt with the actual sleep doc he said i stopped breathing 87 times in the first hour and my oxygen saturation dropped to 17%. he said the only two people that he had seen that were worse than i was were over 400lbs. then on top of all of that he said that i never left level 1 and 2 in the sleep cycle so bascially i actually never went to actual sleep. he said i have no clue how you have functioned your whole life without being completely miserable. i have used it ever since i got my machine even though it is a huge pain in the ass
TGBSupplements REP
Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order
TweetKaiser Gave me a sleep pill that a anti depression and helps with paranoia and it gives raging boners.
The boner part l learned about the hard way.
Waking up having to pee and I can't even point it down
TweetTrazadozone andy chic has been rubbing it out lmao
Tweetthey gave me a nerve med that did the same thing. used for sleep nerve pain and anti depression. only took it a couple of times because it made me sleep for days and i couldnt remember shit. which is the case with every sleep med they have tried on me. i just stick to the normal otc sleep stuff and it works well. i did find some delta 8 products because thc isnt legal where i live that put you down like a tranq water buffalo. shit is potent as all hell
TGBSupplements REP
Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order
TweetThis one is actually working for me .
Now I have to see what the long term effects are