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      okay I tried to get information on the oral tren I can't get any information but conflicting information so I'm going to be the guinea pig.

      Starting on Saturday I'm going to start taking it and I'm going to log everything. this is what I'm also going to take

      Test E 650 mgs a week
      test prop 100 EOD
      Deca 250
      EQ 800
      Tren tabs .25 MCGS twice a day
      NOVELDEX 10 mgs

      this is purely to try to put some more weight on me. this morning I weighed about 176 when I woke up I'm 5'6, my body fat's probably about 7%, so I look pretty good at that weight but I want to hit about 185 so I'm hoping these tren tabs are strong to bump my weight up a little bit.

      I'm going to log everything the side effects everything so everybody knows what the hell these things do. They're being sold by a lot of different brands and no one gives any information on what they do. if you ask people on other boards they have conflicting info or they'll tell you about how the injectable works injectable has nothing to do with it if I wanted the injectable I would have took the injectable. I want to try these oral ones also what ultimately made my mind up was I read an article that this was the drug that the whole Greek weightlifting team got disqualified from the last Olympics for. those countries those Olympic teams have the best doctors and sports Medicine guys doing everything so if the shit didn't work they wouldn't be giving it to Olympic athletes..

      I'm going to keep my diet as following because like I said I'm going to try to put on 5 to 10 lb in 6 weeks if I can. I doubt I could put on 10 lb but five would be good.
      protein 225 250
      carbs 350 400
      fats Low but protein shake I'll put a little bit of flaxseed oil. I eat clean all the time I don't need any junk food and I can't remember the last time I bought potato chips or anything like it I've been doing this so long it's just a habit I don't even try to eat clean it just happens. my training is the schedule is going to be like the following

      Sunday Back
      Monday off
      Tuesday Chest Biceps
      Wednesday shoulders triceps
      Thursday off
      Friday off

      I weigh myself every Sunday when I first get up and before I eat or drink anything I give you the most accurate reading. most people I would tell not to gauge their progress by the scale but it actually works for me because I'm so lean my weight doesn't fluctuate much during the day because I am so lean it seems and if I take it when I wake up and don't eat or drink anything it's pretty consistent. so if I take it this week and it's 176 and two Sundays from now it's 178 I'll be pretty positive something good is happening.

      my training is going to be always like I train I don't count sets. I do count raps but I don't have any set amount of reps I'm going to do. It depends on how it feels if I plan on doing six but I can do 10 I'm going to do 10. sometimes I'll plan on doing three sets of side laterals say for shoulders and end up doing eight. so I don't have any real plan with training. I go by how I fee. if I don't feel as good that day I'll do less.

      cardio I don't do but I kind of think of doing really low impact cardio 20 minutes just for my cardiovascular health I'm afraid to do it because I don't want to get any leaner that I am now I don't want to go to 6% body fat I'm trying to put on a little muscle and I'm thinking that's going to cut into it but I know I do need it because my cardiovascular endurance is horrible I mean I walk up the stairs and I'm out of breath.

      I'm just going to post the latest picture I took which was yesterday I believe so that's what I look like so I can post another one towards the end of this or the middle of this and at the end just to see how I change or if I change. The stuff doesn't work I figure screw it it doesn't work then I loose 40 dollars.

      the picture of my arm I took today and it looked pretty big I was surprised. I'm trying to get my arms bigger I can never get them over 18 even when I was competing. I know I got a small frame so 18 look big on me but I always wanted to try to get them up more my dream was to get to 19 but that's never happening unless I bang a bunch of synthol.

      I want to ask any old timers here, guns Maybe, what do you think of site injections? the only reason I ask is I could swear to God I knew a guy a long time ago who put on an inch on his biceps by shooting propionate into his biceps every single day for 2 months and his arms definitely got bigger and they stayed bigger. he also worked the shit out of them so it could have been that. I was thinking of trying it. I'll be on propane every other day, can shoot it in my biceps. what do you think?
      having trouble posting pictures the latest one I took I couldn't get posted. I put up one I took today in my arm which I thought looked pretty good I was surprised by. and the one with my ex-girlfriend was from last Christmas Eve I think I can't remember us from last year. but I just wanted to show you what my arms look like in the off season at the time I was able to train biceps because I had to adjustable dumbbells. I remember she sent me the picture the next day with the little note saying your arms are way too big you look ridiculous LOL and I looked at it and I was like holy shit because I didn't even realize

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      Default Re: 4 23 log

      I've heard of the tren tabs, but I don't know anyone who has taken them. Curious how they will be.
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      Default Re: 4 23 log

      Quote Originally Posted by Yohimbe View Post
      I've heard of the tren tabs, but I don't know anyone who has taken them. Curious how they will be.
      man there's no info on the internet there's info but it's contradictory you don't know what's real and what's not all I could find that made me think that they work well is that the entire Greek powerlifting team was excluded from the Olympics because they all test positive for oral tren. I mean when they're doping at the Olympic level those are top Doctors top sports medicine doctors so they're going to give him the strongest thing and the best thing that's going to work so the stuff can't not work it's just to see how many side effects next to how much gains I get but I'm doing it for everybody else really I'm going to document what games I get and next to what side effects happen in the next 6 weeks. but you're right there's nothing out there man no information and no it's so little people have used them I can't find anybody it's using

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      Default Re: 4 23 log

      i am anxious to see how you do with the methyltren tabs. i would be curious to see what labs look like at the mid point and once finishing it up. i know you prob arent as anal about lab work as i am. i normally get the pulled every 2-3 months haha.
      should be a good run for you and i will be following along on the progress. be great to see the feedback on the mt since it is impossible to find and if it is worth how nasty everyone says it is
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      Default Re: 4 23 log

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      i am anxious to see how you do with the methyltren tabs. i would be curious to see what labs look like at the mid point and once finishing it up. i know you prob arent as anal about lab work as i am. i normally get the pulled every 2-3 months haha.
      should be a good run for you and i will be following along on the progress. be great to see the feedback on the mt since it is impossible to find and if it is worth how nasty everyone says it is
      my guess is it's not as strong as the articles that say it's the strongest substance on Earth and it doesn't not work like I read in one article that says the methylation of it destroys the trenbolone.

      I'm expecting something in the middle I know it's going to work because the whole Greek powerlifting team got disqualified from the Olympics for that particular drug. when you're talking about Olympic level athletes they work with top sports medicine guys they would not give them a drug that didn't work. that made me a little more hopeful but there's no other information out there contradictory information worthless information so I figured the only way I'm going to learn about this stuff is to be a guinea pig

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      Default Re: 4 23 log

      Quote Originally Posted by pgc640 View Post
      my guess is it's not as strong as the articles that say it's the strongest substance on Earth and it doesn't not work like I read in one article that says the methylation of it destroys the trenbolone.

      I'm expecting something in the middle I know it's going to work because the whole Greek powerlifting team got disqualified from the Olympics for that particular drug. when you're talking about Olympic level athletes they work with top sports medicine guys they would not give them a drug that didn't work. that made me a little more hopeful but there's no other information out there contradictory information worthless information so I figured the only way I'm going to learn about this stuff is to be a guinea pig

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      I will tell you one thing if the stuff works well or very well compared to injectable trembolone and the side effects aren't ridiculously bad where you can't use it because of that the drug is super cheap. I picked up a hundred tablets for $35 from Dragon Pharma. and you're right I am not as anal about getting blood tests cuz you know back in the day nobody got blood test so I try to make myself go and this time I will go I'd like the three four week Mark just to make sure everything's right because I'm always in really good health my cholesterol is always low my blood pressure is always normal there's never anything out of whack so if something does go out of whack I'll know it's from this drug

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      Quote Originally Posted by pgc640 View Post
      I will tell you one thing if the stuff works well or very well compared to injectable trembolone and the side effects aren't ridiculously bad where you can't use it because of that the drug is super cheap. I picked up a hundred tablets for $35 from Dragon Pharma. and you're right I am not as anal about getting blood tests cuz you know back in the day nobody got blood test so I try to make myself go and this time I will go I'd like the three four week Mark just to make sure everything's right because I'm always in really good health my cholesterol is always low my blood pressure is always normal there's never anything out of whack so if something does go out of whack I'll know it's from this drug

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      I actually finally found a good article on this stuff took me forever but I did. what it said was the effects of oral trembolone are very similar to the effects of injectable trampoline. it reduces body fat, builds muscle to a high degree, causes strength gain, of course the extreme nitrogen retention etc etc. the difference between the oral form and the injectable is the added liver stress of the a17 component that makes it orally available. I'm going to keep the dose at .25 mcgs 2X a day, which was the dose recommended. so it's not a whole lot and I'm not really worried about my liver with this cycle as I'm usually not worried about my liver with any orals I still think it's way blown out of proportion how toxic orals are to your liver.
      so tomorrow morning I'm going to wake up I'm going to take this I'm going to do my my shots or what I have to do take a shower go to the gym do legs and I'll probably do a post tomorrow to tell you how to first workout when and how I felt and I'll probably post every few days to let you know how it's going. at about the three week Mark I'll probably take a picture and probably at the 6 week Mark I'll take a picture my goal is to be about 180 by the end of the six weeks I'm about 176 now at about 7% body fat I'd like to be 180 181 at the same body fat but we'll see that's going to take the drug to work well and also me to keep my diet right on point to eat enough food. okay you'll hear from me again tomorrow

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      Quote Originally Posted by Yohimbe View Post
      I've heard of the tren tabs, but I don't know anyone who has taken them. Curious how they will be.
      at my goal is after being done with this 6 weeks that we all know a tremendously amount more about this oral form of the drug.

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      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      i am anxious to see how you do with the methyltren tabs. i would be curious to see what labs look like at the mid point and once finishing it up. i know you prob arent as anal about lab work as i am. i normally get the pulled every 2-3 months haha.
      should be a good run for you and i will be following along on the progress. be great to see the feedback on the mt since it is impossible to find and if it is worth how nasty everyone says it is
      I'll tell you man like everything else you're right on not with this post but the post you were telling me that you don't even bother with younger kids and trying to help people anymore you're right on man. I was on another board trying to tell these people that taking 3,000 mg of test a week and over 150 mg anadrol is idiocy. these jerk offs had a whole bunch of really really intelligent meaningful things to say that stood out greatly actually there were a bunch of total idiots that wouldn't stop fucking posting and talking shit until one of them asked me to post pictures if I have such a good physique. I told them I have no problem posting pictures but you're going to feel so fucking stupid afterwards. I went on and posted my pictures from contest I posted pictures from not contest I posted about eight pictures. after I posted the pictures they all something happened to them all they all lost their voice so they couldn't type they all shut the fuck up. that's the problem with these young guys in these forums they have no idea who they're talking to they have no idea who's trying to give them advice and good advice I try to help them and they're actually laughing at me saying that I must have never taken over a thousand milligrams of tests before man when I started out guns you know when I started out nobody took a thousand makes a test they're very rarely maybe a guy big like you did but people just didn't assume you're going to take a thousand makes a test 3,000 mg I never heard of. anyway it was funny cuz I was thinking you when this was happening and still I waited around I told him I'm still waiting waiting for a response but you're not going to have one it's funny how they all shut the fuck up just from a couple of pictures.

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      Quote Originally Posted by pgc640 View Post
      I'll tell you man like everything else you're right on not with this post but the post you were telling me that you don't even bother with younger kids and trying to help people anymore you're right on man. I was on another board trying to tell these people that taking 3,000 mg of test a week and over 150 mg anadrol is idiocy. these jerk offs had a whole bunch of really really intelligent meaningful things to say that stood out greatly actually there were a bunch of total idiots that wouldn't stop fucking posting and talking shit until one of them asked me to post pictures if I have such a good physique. I told them I have no problem posting pictures but you're going to feel so fucking stupid afterwards. I went on and posted my pictures from contest I posted pictures from not contest I posted about eight pictures. after I posted the pictures they all something happened to them all they all lost their voice so they couldn't type they all shut the fuck up. that's the problem with these young guys in these forums they have no idea who they're talking to they have no idea who's trying to give them advice and good advice I try to help them and they're actually laughing at me saying that I must have never taken over a thousand milligrams of tests before man when I started out guns you know when I started out nobody took a thousand makes a test they're very rarely maybe a guy big like you did but people just didn't assume you're going to take a thousand makes a test 3,000 mg I never heard of. anyway it was funny cuz I was thinking you when this was happening and still I waited around I told him I'm still waiting waiting for a response but you're not going to have one it's funny how they all shut the fuck up just from a couple of pictures.

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      its the instant gratification and social media thing that makes these fools do what they do and the belief that it is what all the elite level guys do. not to mention like you said they have no clue that the dude they are talking to is 340 fat guy that doesnt look like he even trains or the polar opposite of a 160lg dude that is lean but also looks like a regular person. if they spent even a min doing a little research or actually talked to a top level or even mid level coach they would see the reality. most of the top guys with exceptions barely use anything at all and have unreal genetics. hell i became pretty good friends with a top level 212 and used john meadows as a coach for a couple of years. the top level 212 guy would come completely off for 4-6 months and not even train at all until 4-5 months before a show. what john used was a drop in the bucket.\
      now what i did and have tried over the years was more of an experiment on myself and not guided by anyone else. what i found was that you hit a level that your body can use and above that doesnt gain you anything at all other than nasty side effects and the chance of ruining your health. it really didnt move the scale or increase my size anymore than they lower level amounts did. but the i want it now mindset drives stupidity to a whole new level. even though their entire body is purple from bp and they can barely open their eyes from water retention. yet they may be right at 200lbs and still dont look even close to good
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      all right man I just got back from the gym I had to switch things up a little bit because I did a shot of an end date last night and my right ass cheek and I couldn't train legs it had a lot of pip there and I could not do leg presses so I trained my back and I'm going to train my legs during the weekend another time. my back workout went really good I'm still breaking my back and legs in because I didn't train them for so long since 20/20 I feel good.

      my body weight was lower than I thought it would be when I weighed myself I was 171 first thing in the morning this morning actually 171.2 but I had taken 4 days off before I knew I was going to start today and I just didn't worry about what I ate or what I did so when I don't worry about what I'm going to eat I don't need a lot at all so it was probably a water fluctuation. so far today I had oatmeal and raisins and bananas for breakfast I had a protein shake before I went to the gym and a protein shake when I got home I was just falling asleep. but I have to get up and make a meal cuz I got it I got to eat if I don't eat there's no use any of this.
      like I said last night I took a shot of testing anything 400 I took 400 mg and I took a shot of Test pro 400 this morning I took 300 mg of EQ. I mean I feel good in the gym as soon as I did some back pull Downs I mean my arms just blew the fuck up right away like real veiny and like instantly.

      funny thing happened this morning though just what guns was telling me about yesterday stay away from these young kids trying to help them. I found myself on another board talking to these kids that were using 3,000 plus mix of test a week and I was trying to talk him out of it trying to be the good guy they were so immature and just ridiculous like it was some kind of fucking game that they were taking 4,000 makes a test a week like they couldn't harm themselves no matter what. so it got to the point where they were just being totally disrespectful to me I actually brought up the whole AI thing and again me and guns feel the same exact way about ai's so I tried to convince them not to use their eyes and they told me I was living in the past and this and that then one of the idiots had this stupidity to ask me to post pictures. he said something like if you're so great I don't know how he put it but he said why don't you post some pictures of your physique. now I wasn't even going to do this but I told him I said I'll post pictures of my physique I said I'll post pictures and contests I'll post pictures out of contest I said but I'll tell you right now you're going to feel really fucking stupid once I do. so I posted pictures from when I used to compete I posted all the pictures from the bathroom and what not. of course as soon as I posted the pictures that whole thread went silent not another post and they wouldn't shut the fuck up that silence that's made them silent instantly bunch of jerk off and he's right guns is right I'm done trying to get through to these idiots

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      Social media is the biggest thing wrong with so many aspects of modern day bodybuilding. It's the black hole of fakeness. There are popular "bodybuilders" on their who have never even competed giving people cycle advice and the best way to prep for a show. Other guys are talking about how all the pros are taking these mega doses and if you're taking less than 3grams of gear per week then you're wasting your time. It's ridiculous. Just looking at social media makes me want to throw up lol. I miss the good old days when we had magazines. Even a lot of the articles in the mags were bullsh*t, but at least it wasn't on the level that it is today.
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      Quote Originally Posted by Yohimbe View Post
      Social media is the biggest thing wrong with so many aspects of modern day bodybuilding. It's the black hole of fakeness. There are popular "bodybuilders" on their who have never even competed giving people cycle advice and the best way to prep for a show. Other guys are talking about how all the pros are taking these mega doses and if you're taking less than 3grams of gear per week then you're wasting your time. It's ridiculous. Just looking at social media makes me want to throw up lol. I miss the good old days when we had magazines. Even a lot of the articles in the mags were bullsh*t, but at least it wasn't on the level that it is today.
      yeah I'm with you man 100%. I'll take back the old days any day. when I was 16 I had to go to the gym I had to ingratiate myself in the gym I had to meet people I had a train every day to meet people. I couldn't just walk in the gym and buy steroids without knowing how to train and knowing what I'm doing and not knowing anybody it's not like the movies. now these fucking jerk off kids can go on the internet do a Google search and be on 3,000 mg of testosterone and not know why a week later.
      that's how it used to be though it took me a while I started at Diamond gym when I was 16 and it wasn't really until after I competed at 18 and I came in second at like 17 and people saw potentially me that I was able to get pretty much anything I wanted. you couldn't just walk in that gym and buy anything so what I'm saying is people that have such access now because of the internet did not have that kind of access back then I know guys that buy shit inject it and actually don't even work out they sit on their couch and eat Cheetos and watch TV and think that it's going to do something.

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      it's 8:42 on Saturday night and today was the first day I trained back because my legs were hurting me from an injection. I had a really good back workout though my biceps got super pumped. I took the the point 25 mcgs of oral trend twice today. I'm going to take tomorrow off and I'm going to do chest and try chest and biceps on Monday shoulders and triceps on Tuesday take Wednesday off and I'm going to come back and do legs on Thursday and stay the hell away from injecting into my glutes.

      I ate a bunch of protein today probably near 300 G and I was probably around 300 G of carbs so I had a pretty good day. I just can't wait to like the three week Mark I'm really curious to see what the shit is going to do

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      i am anxious to see how you do with it as well. i am leaning towards what i hear a lot of people say about superdrol. oh yeah man i got strong as shit and body changes were excellent but after the second week i felt like shit and couldnt keep food down. i didnt want to go train. i think a lot of those fools were mega dosing on top of other stuff but that's what i hear a lot say.

      since you tolerate stuff so well and have done damn near everything we should get a good gauge off your run as to if the benefit to risk is worth it. pretty notable to that you are starting off fresh and your last labs were solid.
      TGBSupplements REP


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