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    Thread: Talk Trenbelone. Dragon Phsrma

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      Default Talk Trenbelone. Dragon Phsrma

      I've been trying to get information on the oral form of trenbolone it also has a generic name it starts with an m and I can't tell you exactly what it is right now. everywhere I look though I don't know why people ignore questions people are asking that they want information on oral tren and you got five people coming back saying they never did the oral but they've done the injectable and this and this and this and this and this like anything that they're writing means anything the person's asking about the oral form and that's what I'm asking about.
      I've read articles that say it's the most potent steroid on Earth it's also has a high side effect pannel which of course is dose dependent. apparently in studies they did on this drug in the 60s they went up all the way up to 5 mg which caused a lot of liver toxicity and a lot of problems they actually ended up on a dose of between 0.5 MCG and 1 mg at the most. I have 100 dragon pham tablets that I just picked up cuz they were cheap I wasn't sure if I was going to use them or not I kind of do want to throw them in and see but I kind of want to know what to expect first from somebody or read something it's impossible to find any information. if I get to Saturday and I can't get a bit of information on the stuff fuck it I'm just going to take 0.5 mg and ignore everything else I read there's been such conflicting information that it seems like I'm going to have to try it myself and give you guys a write-up of what it did and then everybody will know what it does finally.I guess so many people are scared of this drug that they won't take it but I am not scared at all of oral steroids I mean if you keep them at a relatively normal dose I would take 5 your liver is not going to fall out I've said this before but for 20 years I've been looking at real medical journals trying to find a single case just one single case where oral AA 17 steroids caused liver failure or cirrhosis and I cannot find one I've also asked if anybody does know of one I would really appreciate it if you forward it to me because I've been looking so long I can't find a single damn case.
      my theory on the whole oral a17 is being so toxic to the liver is it was just included when they were doing the first studies on oral steroids. it makes sense or else go through the liver twice injectables go once you know how the FDA is you know you have to list every possible side effect any side effect reported by the study group and any side effect that a doctor may think is reasonably possible. if I'm a physician conducting this study and I know that this drug has to be metabolize twice whereas an injectable has to be metabolized once I would cover my ass and put in possible liver damage nowhere does it say definitely liver damage or provable liver damage and there's no studies that show it causes liver damage I think it was just an assumption based on the double pass. I say this because of how long I've been looking and unable to find a single case not one I find you'll find a million on Tylenol wrecking the liver of course alcohol you'll find cases of alcohol with Tylenol you'll find cases with Vicodin and Percocet which are mixed with Tylenol it's not the opiate that kills the people it's the Tylenol that wrecks their liver. but not once not once have I found a case of liver failure due to AA 17 steroids. I know for a fact they can elevate your liver enzymes cuz it's happened to me but that isn't an indication of any kind of liver damage all that is is a marker that tells the doctor maybe I should look for something else and usually if a liver enzymes come in high the doctor will send your blood back out to check for hepatitis C hepatitis B or whatever else he might think is causing the liver enzyme elevation. when you're taking oral steroids you know what's causing the elevation but that elevation in itself is not going to destroy your liver your liver is like the most resilient organ in your body it regenerates unless you have cirrhosis your liver will regenerate in full. no matter how damaged it is as long as it's not going to cirrhosis it will regenerate in full. so really you would somehow have to destroy your liver completely with oral steroids put it into cirrhosis for your liver to get fully destroyed and going to Total liver failure from anabolic steroids. during this process you would get many different side effects as your liver went to shit all of which you would have to ignore and continue to take the urls in order to get to the level of cirrhosis of the liver. it all just doesn't make a lot of sense. I mean I know guys and I've heard a guys die of heart attacks it took a lot of steroids I mean you could say it wasn't steroids it wasn't I mean I still up for debate I lean towards more probably was because I know a lot of guys who died in the same age range who abused a lot of steroids in their twenties and thirties. I've known guys who have had kidney problems from steroids but I have not known a single person come pick up planes of any serious liver problems I've read about some but total idiots like when Super draw was legal and these kids were going to buy in bottles at GNC and taking 10 and 12 a day yeah 10 and 12 a day of those yeah you might have a problem. but what I'm talking about is people that know what they're doing at a normal dose I had a reasonable dose at a useful dose not at an insane dose that is almost suicide by steroid.
      I've been looking so long without finding anything that I pretty much dismissed the whole liver damage component of taking oral steroids I no longer even think about it I take orals just like I take injectables because I don't think they're any more dangerous. like I said if I'm going to if I'm going to pop eight Anadrol a day then I'm a total idiot and yes I might run into problems. but even then I know guys that took that much and nothing happened to them I still know they're alive it didn't ruin their liver. I just think it's an overblown hypothesis that was introduced by a doctor because of the two passes of the oral steroid. if anybody else has any ideas on this or knows of any cases of people taking normal dosages of aa-17 oils that cause liver failure or cirrhosis please tell me.

      anyway back to the oral treb. I would like to start this stuff Saturday because I had a plan on my it'll be 6 weeks Saturday I've been on and I was going to switch from the Diana ball to try to oral train on Saturday but I'm still up in the air with it because I can't find any information I've even found information that says it's not that anabolic that it doesn't work that well for muscle growth which I think is bullshit because I found other articles that said the total opposite that it's great for muscle growth and body fat reduction etc etc. anyway I guess what I'm asking is does anybody out there have experience taking the oral form?

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    2. #2
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      Default Re: Talk Trenbelone. Dragon Phsrma

      I'm another one in the can't help camp. I've heard of the oral tren, but never taken it and don't know anyone who has. Unfortunately, I don't have anything positive to contribute, but my curiosity is peaked. I'm going to research it.
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