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    Thread: 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT

    1. #1
      Pellethead's Avatar
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      Default 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT

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      • 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT
      • 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT

      • 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT
      • 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT
      • 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT
      • 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT
      • 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT
      • 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT
      If you've an ancient gear warlord, please read on! I'm in year 26. My first experience was with a friend who shared a cart or tren. We put them under the tongue, snorted it in lines, and had no idea what we were doing. His cousin worked on a farm and said they gave this to their cows and made them big. Hilarious hindsight! Eventually, found the best real gear and fast forward to now with a busted-up body. Multiple spine issues, king kong-sized nerve pain. on and on. I've changed my occupation, ditched the heavyweights, and steered into isometrics and cardio. I decided last year that it was time to get a doctor on board to start TRT. I spent months slimming down my cruise. I figured that i was "on" for the last 10yrs. That completely set the stage for low test numbers in my blood test. Here's the part where I seek your input: My Doc put me on 2cc's a month. One-shot. Do you guys think he's trying to stimulate my natural test or simply doesn't grab the idea of keeping blood levels consistent? Makes no sense to me but I'm planning to ask when I'm there next month. If you are on TRT what are your protocols? I'm thinking 1-2cc/250mg a week is what makes sense but would sincerely appreciate any vet's regime. Thanks in advance for any input.

    2. #2
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      Default Re: 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT

      HOLY SHIT! I have been on TRT for 10 years now. I have never gotten more than 125 mg wk.

      He ain't trying to stimulate natty test. Exogenous test only shuts down HTPA unless he is giving you HCG.

      For me I always go off in December and continue getting my script for 3 months and banking it. Then in March I double up my dose to 250 mg wk and work my ass off.

      I too am an old guy who beat his body (Still do) I only work 2X wk with weights and never go heavy. Rest of the time cardio and martial arts.

      I am WAY healthier than I was when I was BB/powerlifting.
      "SHIAT BIOTCH, thats a big ass!"

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    3. #3
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT

      Quote Originally Posted by Pellethead View Post
      If you've an ancient gear warlord, please read on! I'm in year 26. My first experience was with a friend who shared a cart or tren. We put them under the tongue, snorted it in lines, and had no idea what we were doing. His cousin worked on a farm and said they gave this to their cows and made them big. Hilarious hindsight! Eventually, found the best real gear and fast forward to now with a busted-up body. Multiple spine issues, king kong-sized nerve pain. on and on. I've changed my occupation, ditched the heavyweights, and steered into isometrics and cardio. I decided last year that it was time to get a doctor on board to start TRT. I spent months slimming down my cruise. I figured that i was "on" for the last 10yrs. That completely set the stage for low test numbers in my blood test. Here's the part where I seek your input: My Doc put me on 2cc's a month. One-shot. Do you guys think he's trying to stimulate my natural test or simply doesn't grab the idea of keeping blood levels consistent? Makes no sense to me but I'm planning to ask when I'm there next month. If you are on TRT what are your protocols? I'm thinking 1-2cc/250mg a week is what makes sense but would sincerely appreciate any vet's regime. Thanks in advance for any input.
      so for starters you doc is a complete dumb ass. well let me back up. if you are getting cyp or enth then he is a freaking fool and i see this with friends of mine more often than not. so the only way that you can do the 2x per month dose is with test under or however you spell it. it is the longest acting test you can get. when they do that one they figure out how much you need for the month and give you one large shot of 8 or 900 at one time. i have a frined that is doing that one as well since he cant get the implants anymore. so if it is the test u then you are good if it is one of the others then no, you are peaking and crashing. a very close friend of mine and my off and on training partner was getting it from a normal doc on base after he retired. they started him at 200mg test c every other week. then they would pull labs and he would still be single digits on his total test. they capped him out at 400 every 2 weeks and he still comes back around 150. these fools are to stupid to figure out that at most and it is a stretch, that test c and e are completely out of your system in 10 days. most people peak at 3-5 days. so at 10 days it most likely is completely out of your system.

      so i like you have been in the game for well over 20 years and actively competing the entire time. i brougt on a good doc about 10 years or so ago that handled my hrt as well as keeping me healthy with the other heavy stuff. he had me at 200 cyp per week to keep me right around 5-600 on hrt. right in the middle of normal range. he sold his practice and i was stuck. so i tried out the va and used them for a little while. only do bloods every 6 months etc.. they carried my 200 cyp per week for a while then i got a new doc that said it was to much even though labs were perfect, so he tried the every other week bull shit and my numbers tanked again well i figured i have a script so i am street legal so i will just get it for free from them and then just do my own thing. covid hit and since they wouldnt let me go in for labs they didnt consider necessary they dropped script.

      so long story short this was a blessing in disguise for me. a good friend of mine was friends with a doc that specialized in hormones as well as his general practice. dude is a competitor/athlete and very well educated in all the stuff we do. made a appointment got in had labs done the right way and he got me at 300mg a week now to keep me between 5-600 total test and just under 200 free test. he was livid about the every 2 week bull shit and how they handle fixing and optimizing hormones. i freaking love the dude and he takes damn good care of me. only down side is i have to drive about 3 hours to see him but that is only every 3 months unless i need something looked at in person.

      so moral of the story is: 1- he is fucking you and messing you up with horribly fluctuating levels 2- you may have to travel and look around to find a good doc that knows what he is doing. if you want to test the docs knowledge, ask him if he will give you low dose cialis at 5-10mg daily for bph. tell him you are up a and down all night peeing. if he says it is from the test then he is full of shit because your levels arent even close enough to being in range to mess with your prostate. even if every bit of it converted to dht

      my insurance covers all my stuff also but i did have 3 reading in a row that were double and single digits. so i wasnt even close to having anywhere near normal numbers

      cool thing i learned from my doc last time i saw him. i had gotten covid and didnt take any test or any of my meds at all. he told me that was a huge mistake because the research coming out now is that rock bottom test is far more harmful to your cardio system than even having super high test is. he did pull me back to 200 while all my blood counts and clotting factors were elevated but that only lasted a month post. dude is crazy smart and stays on top of all the new research and tricks of the trade. he is really big on micro dosing daily while on hrt also. he say regardless if you are low dose or high dose keeping levels as stable as possible is the healthiest most effective way to prevent issues and side effects. either sug q or im doesnt matter
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      Default Re: 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT

      Wow…get a new Dr. !
      Like big papa guns said….test undec u can get away with not taking multiple shots per week or month etc…my trt doc prescribes test,var,deca ,primo etc…expensive!
      But 200 mg a week of cyp is protocol…bottom line! Find a new Dr….they work for you! Not the other way around!

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      Default Re: 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT

      Quote Originally Posted by Pellethead View Post
      If you've an ancient gear warlord, please read on! I'm in year 26. My first experience was with a friend who shared a cart or tren. We put them under the tongue, snorted it in lines, and had no idea what we were doing. His cousin worked on a farm and said they gave this to their cows and made them big. Hilarious hindsight! Eventually, found the best real gear and fast forward to now with a busted-up body. Multiple spine issues, king kong-sized nerve pain. on and on. I've changed my occupation, ditched the heavyweights, and steered into isometrics and cardio. I decided last year that it was time to get a doctor on board to start TRT. I spent months slimming down my cruise. I figured that i was "on" for the last 10yrs. That completely set the stage for low test numbers in my blood test. Here's the part where I seek your input: My Doc put me on 2cc's a month. One-shot. Do you guys think he's trying to stimulate my natural test or simply doesn't grab the idea of keeping blood levels consistent? Makes no sense to me but I'm planning to ask when I'm there next month. If you are on TRT what are your protocols? I'm thinking 1-2cc/250mg a week is what makes sense but would sincerely appreciate any vet's regime. Thanks in advance for any input.
      oBern doing this 30+ years, first competed at 18.

      Anyway after 26 years on what I would have to assume we're decent doses there I no possible way 400 mgs per month is going to be enough. I'm not s Dr so maybe I'm wrong but I would be surprised if it did.
      I do the TRT thingyself, buy my own and decide on my own doses.
      I competed every year from 1990-2000. Regularly took 1000 mgs of test a week for years.

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    6. #6
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      Default Re: 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT

      Quote Originally Posted by Pellethead View Post
      If you've an ancient gear warlord, please read on! I'm in year 26. My first experience was with a friend who shared a cart or tren. We put them under the tongue, snorted it in lines, and had no idea what we were doing. His cousin worked on a farm and said they gave this to their cows and made them big. Hilarious hindsight! Eventually, found the best real gear and fast forward to now with a busted-up body. Multiple spine issues, king kong-sized nerve pain. on and on. I've changed my occupation, ditched the heavyweights, and steered into isometrics and cardio. I decided last year that it was time to get a doctor on board to start TRT. I spent months slimming down my cruise. I figured that i was "on" for the last 10yrs. That completely set the stage for low test numbers in my blood test. Here's the part where I seek your input: My Doc put me on 2cc's a month. One-shot. Do you guys think he's trying to stimulate my natural test or simply doesn't grab the idea of keeping blood levels consistent? Makes no sense to me but I'm planning to ask when I'm there next month. If you are on TRT what are your protocols? I'm thinking 1-2cc/250mg a week is what makes sense but would sincerely appreciate any vet's regime. Thanks in advance for any input.
      yeah man PCT is not an option for you if you use it for 26 years it won't do anything your best bet if you're going to do it by yourself and I would a doctor and I would suggest to it about yourself cuz most likely a doctor will give you 200 mg every 2 weeks which is not close to enough. when I'm "off" I still am on 300 mg of tassin 200 mg of deca at all times I might run that for 12 weeks 15 weeks but it keeps my muscle on me the test and the deck it keeps my joints loosened up that's the best combination I found for like a so-called off. I can't stop I'm just like you have you shit since I was 17 and I'm 50 now there's no way I can do a PCT and bounce back so that's what happens you end up on trt but it's not that big a deal really as long as it's so easy these days to get whatever you want and it's pretty cheap there's really nothing to worry about and there's no reason to go through the doctor and the pharmacy you know that bullshit. I mean if I were you you could do 250 mg of any kind of test a week and just do that I do the DECA too because I have bad joint problems but 250 a week attached should hold on to most of your games

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      Default Re: 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT

      Quote Originally Posted by pgc648 View Post
      oBern doing this 30+ years, first competed at 18.

      Anyway after 26 years on what I would have to assume we're decent doses there I no possible way 400 mgs per month is going to be enough. I'm not s Dr so maybe I'm wrong but I would be surprised if it did.
      I do the TRT thingyself, buy my own and decide on my own doses.
      I competed every year from 1990-2000. Regularly took 1000 mgs of test a week for years.

      Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk
      hey man I just got to read this you're doing exactly what I told you to do I think it works great I do the same thing too the deck it keeps your joints lubricated and the test and the deck I keep the muscle on you. I remember I had a really good trainer a world famous trainer for last time I can beat it I remember I asked him one time how long you think I should come off for he looked at me and laughed at me and he said why the fuck would you come off you never come off he told me you could lower your dose but you never come off unless you want to lose a bunch of muscle and then after gain it back again so that's what top level amateurs and pros do they're never off totally

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      Default Re: 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT

      Most trt doses are only just enough to keep you shut down

      Please know and follow the laws of your country regarding aas/PEDs

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      Default Re: 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT

      I'm sorry man I didn't have the time to read your whole post so I hope from what I did read I can answer the question you asking I'm going to try. I've been using steroids since 1989 which is a very long time and I've been competing in bodybuilding since 1990 actually I stopped in 2001 but from 1990 to 2001. so I guess that does make me an old timer. I don't go to any doctor for trt but I can't not do it I used steroids at too high of dose for too long to ever rebound comfortably. at the end the last two contests I did was the USA two times which is a big show the NPC USA so I mean I really never came off back then. now what I do is I do like two blast a year and the rest of the time my offices cycle is about 300 mg of test maybe 250 and 200 mg of DACA for the joints which suck now as I get older and actually 200 mg of deca works pretty good for the joints you don't need a lot. hope I answered or helped in some way good luck to you.

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    10. #10
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      Default Re: 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT

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      • 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT

      • 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT
      • 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT
      • 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT
      • 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT
      • 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT
      • 20yr Vets and longer opinions wanted on TRT
      Quote Originally Posted by pgc640 View Post
      I'm sorry man I didn't have the time to read your whole post so I hope from what I did read I can answer the question you asking I'm going to try. I've been using steroids since 1989 which is a very long time and I've been competing in bodybuilding since 1990 actually I stopped in 2001 but from 1990 to 2001. so I guess that does make me an old timer. I don't go to any doctor for trt but I can't not do it I used steroids at too high of dose for too long to ever rebound comfortably. at the end the last two contests I did was the USA two times which is a big show the NPC USA so I mean I really never came off back then. now what I do is I do like two blast a year and the rest of the time my offices cycle is about 300 mg of test maybe 250 and 200 mg of DACA for the joints which suck now as I get older and actually 200 mg of deca works pretty good for the joints you don't need a lot. hope I answered or helped in some way good luck to you.

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      man, my trt dose from the actual doc is 300 and that only puts me in the mid normal range. like you i have been at it competing for well over 20 years now. i stopped taking test for 2 weeks before one show and just had the other show goodies in. had labs done the following monday and my test came back in the single digits. doc told me i would never bounce back even close to normal and would be on for life.
      i also like to keep in 50 deca or npp with my hrt for joints and such. doesnt mess with my hrt at all
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