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  • DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.
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    Thread: DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.

    1. #1
      ARISTIMUQOH's Avatar
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      • DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.

      • DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.
      • DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.
      • DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.
      • DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.
      • DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.
      • DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.

    2. #2
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      Default Re: DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.

      Good looking stuff

    3. #3
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      Default Re: DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.

      I’ve had tens of thousands of there sust…when
      They had the generic looking labels..years ago(longer than that lol)1000ct would run around $2 each…quality gear hands down…I see they redesigned labels and have 10ml bot the past few years!
      Looks good!
      If big aristo carries a product! It’s fcking quality!

    4. #4
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      Default Re: DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.

      Quote Originally Posted by Arx International View Post
      I’ve had tens of thousands of there sust…when
      They had the generic looking labels..years ago(longer than that lol)1000ct would run around $2 each…quality gear hands down…I see they redesigned labels and have 10ml bot the past few years!
      Looks good!
      If big aristo carries a product! It’s fcking quality!
      damn man an arx the man sighting
      TGBSupplements REP


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    5. #5
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      Default Re: DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.

      Hope all is well brother….
      I’ll be logging in more often…!

    6. #6
      6p6's Avatar
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      Default Re: DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.

      Quote Originally Posted by Arx International View Post
      Hope all is well brother….
      I’ll be logging in more often…!
      Good to hear!

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    7. #7
      ARISTIMUQOH's Avatar
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      Default Re: DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.

      Thanks, Bros

    8. #8
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      Default Re: DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.

      I used to buy from a pharmacist in India straight up for a very long time the Indian shit is usually good if you get it from a reputable pharmacy the thing is they're always changing brands and I don't know why like the brand you have I never heard of they went through they still have Alpha Pharma that they went through Max stream I can't count the number of ones they have so I'm not sure which are the best or if they're all good but they all come from a pharmacy cuz it's legal there for them to ship it out of the country they can't get any trouble for doing that now we can get in trouble for attacking it but they can't get in trouble for everything so if you go on a site called India Mart it can be downloaded either on the Apple wherever you download on Apple or wherever you download an Android it's called like I said one word in the immortal it's a government run app and what it does it'll ask you what you're looking for so say you're looking for test c. you'll tell them that they'll ask you how much of it you want and some other questions and after that you'll get bombarded because they send you a request out to all of the legitimate pharmacies and they won't stop writing you man you'll get bombarded with emails or whatever you give text but the stuff is good and it's ridiculously cheap. so it's not a bad way to go and what you have is most likely real

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    9. #9
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      Default Re: DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.

      Quote Originally Posted by ARISTIMUQOH View Post
      honestly I can get plenty of human grade that could arrival in from all over the world different pharmacies different pharmaceutical companies but I found it's much more expensive than using a good URL overseas not a US URL that people are making things in their garage a real URL where they have a real operation going like dragon pharma. there are others but that's my favorite and it's the only thing I use I would actually use their stuff before I would use human grade stuff it's just as good. it's been tested and tested and tested by different websites over and over again and usually a test overdosed they're testosterone usually comes back about 20 or 30 milligrams over the label claim. I've only seen one single test where the test came out lower than the label claim and that was for Andadrol. the label claimed 50 mg and the pill was tested at 47.8 LOL I really don't think you would notice much of a difference. not seriously though DP stuff is great I have tried a lot of different overseas Labs I won't trust you as Labs I don't know where the hell they're making it if it's sterile if it's not sterile I will not buy it but seven labs in Switzerland is another good UGL lab that has all the real pharmaceutical equipment the only thing with them is since the Ukraine war they've been out of business like I said I would stick a DP Geneva is good too. I've used a couple of their products they're really good very util and they're pretty much on the ball I'm not sure where they're made out of but they're pretty good and there was an old UGL call Maha but it disappeared I don't know what happened to it the whole covid thing happened they lost their connection to the rules and I never heard of them again. but if you look there's plenty of stuff out there if you go the human route and you don't mind the money and you can get that in India easily easily if you really want something like that just send me a PM I'll tell you how to go about it it's very easy and it's actually a government-run program.

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      DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.

    11. #11
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      Default Re: DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.

      Quote Originally Posted by ARISTIMUQOH View Post
      Listen I'm getting very pissed off at this for him and that's why I don't come on here much. I first competed at 18 and 1990 and I'll post a picture I came in second and the teenage New Jersey and then from that year I competed every single year into 2000. Over that time I won in 1993 at 21 I won the middleweights at the New Jersey and that was when the New Jersey was the New Jersey. It's b******* now back then it was like a junior USA almost or Junior Nationals the competition was crazy. After that I did the junior USA which I came in second I did it again I came in third then I did the Junior Nationals came in second then I did the USA and I came in 6th. Then I had a retire because I graduated school and I couldn't work a full-time job and get ready for contest at the same time the way I have to. It's something I kind of regret because I know I could have turned professional with the next 5 years. But again I was a middleweight how much money could I have possibly made as a professional. So was prior the right thing to do

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      Default Re: DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.

      Quote Originally Posted by ARISTIMUQOH View Post
      Really, it's starting to piss me off and that's why I don't come on this board a lot. I get up a tremendous amount of people on here because I've been doing this since I was 16 I started competing at 18, I've please stop five in every single national level NPC show you can think of other than the USA which I play six right outside of the top five then I had to retire for personal reasons but I know for a fact if I would have kept it up in 5 years I could have turned professional. The place I started out in I lived in New Jersey and I started training at a place called diamond gym.

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      • DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.
      • DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.
      • DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.
      • DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.
      • DECADURABOLIN 200mg/ml How looks legitimate human pharma grade by Indufar Co.

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