Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
man, i try to help people out but i have pretty much quit entirely except for on here. i have also pretty much shut down coaching all together because i cant handle the dumb shit and stupid people. dudes telling me at 21-24 that they are running 3-4g of oils on top of tabs with ai peps and sarms. when i tell them they are morons and on your 1st 2d or 3d cycle that running that high is pointless. hell one dude was running 3g which consisted of 2g of test and 1g of tren on his very 1st cycle and i bet you a paycheck that moron was every bit 30% or more of bodyfat with tities. i am blown away at no one thinking or believing that it takes time and you buildup to higher end dosing and make the small amounts work early on. more muscle and time equals more need for aas in most cases.
then again i had a 23 year old dumb ass tell me he was getting ready to turn pro at the usas in 3 weeks. dude is pretty wide lat wise but has no delts no arms and tiny ass legs and when he turns to the side he disappears. oh but he says i have a 25in waist. thats all cool and dandy my friend but you are smooth as a babies ass have zero depth and you pretty much suck but good on you for being confident but when you stand next to that black dude with the beautiful lines and symetry who is peeled to the bone, you are going to be embarrassed. oh wait the excuse for these guys now is they got robbed or over looked. not that you cant look at the other dude and be like damn i need a ton of more work. i just cant do it. i pick and choose who i work with and only come here where level heads prevail
of course you're 100% right a thousand milligrams of trying if someone told me that they were using that and they look like shit and they were in their early twenties I wouldn't even let them finish I would turn my back and walk away that's ridiculous. Trent is five times as anabolic is testosterone so that's the equivalent of taking 5,000 mg testosterone a week. the first time I used trenn was in the form of Parabolan.

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