Quote Originally Posted by Polish Prince View Post
Doing a little cutting cycle starting in March just wanted some feedback or opinions.

Test Enth...500mg/week....weeks 1-12
Anavar...60mg/day...weeks 1-6
Tren Ace...50mg eod...weeks 6-12
Winny...60mg/day...weeks 6-12

Going to run some Letro (1.25mg every other day during the tren ace...so weeks 6-12.
Also have some Proviron on hand...never ran it before? should i throw it in and which weeks/dosages?

HCG...never have ran it before so looking at dosage advice please?

Thanks in advance
I guess my final recommendation would be if you can get rid of the anavar get rid of it I don't know why you're taking it it's not going to add much if you're stuck with it I guess take it. I would much rather use injectable windtrol, IMO it's almost double as strong mg to mg.
TREN A is such a good day burner by itself you could have just used that and test with noveldex and proviron. Lastly throw in a little T3, as little as 12.5 mcgs it makes a big difference.

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