when I just came back after recovering from the cornea transplant I figured I'd try another board other than the ones I usually use so unfortunately I picked this evolutionary.org. Do not ever make the mistake I made.

it's run by some jerk off named Dylan who is the biggest narcissistic fuck I have ever dealt with in my life. he looks like a swimmer or a triathlete or a marathon runner and he was trying to tell me how he coached pro-body builders, lol. I called him out on it he was full of shit I told him if you coach bodybuilders at all, forget pros do one simple thing and I'll shut up tell me exactly what you would do the last 7 days before a contest so your client would peak without spilling over or coming in too flat? Which and how would you utilize diuretics? Would you have him carb deplete and carb load or not? How would you go about controlling his water intake? What type of carbs would you use if you did carb load? Would you sodium deplete or not, when or would you cut his water intake completely at some point? Why is it necessary to always have lasix on hand?

Of course he didn't answer he just deflected the question with some more bullshit about how great he is.

it all started because someone asked the question if I want to be a professional bodybuilder what kind of doses am I looking at taking? this idiot Dylan responded with 300 mg of testosterone 300 mg of deca and stuff like that ridiculous amounts that are way too low for a pro bodybuilder of any kind. and I responded and told him that in a very nice way I said I understand the dosages and those are good dosages if you doing it for yourself if you're doing it to look good on the beach for the girls whatever but to be a pro bodybuilder those are maintenance doses that if anything and no one is going to be a pro on 300 mg of test a week. that including other posts which I contradicted him on and I was right and he was wrong he realized that someone was on there now that knew more than he did and I guess it didn't make him look good. To put in the shortest way possible he ended up banning me for no reason really except that I knew more than he did.

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