Quote Originally Posted by jolter604 View Post
Got s friend asking for Winny for his next run. He said it would be less toxic then teen and if he adds deca he could bulk and shred all in one.
From my experience after the first week my hands are in some serious pain.

As far as the toxic part I sent him a link about it being toxic. But now he wants it even more.
The other face is his last cycle that ended in October was
Test and tren e and anadrol and he was peeing blood he last week of the cycle.

Trying to find a safer stack for him to bulk and shred together.
My first opinion was it's all about food but it went in one ear out the other lmao.


if he is pissing blood on the last run i wouldnt help him out at all until he had a full panel that is healthy for at least 8 weeks. pissing blood is a sure sign that his kidneys are fucked, also be curious as to how his bp looks. just remind him you can hammer your liver hard as hell and 99% of the time it will heal and come back. you do that shit to your kidneys and their is no fixing it. ask don long boston lyod and fouid as well. they destroyed their kidneys boston is dead (not really related but would have been) and the other too are screwed. you can take bp meds to protect your kidneys.

so let's delve into the bulk/cutting compounds. in all reality their is no difference kind of. when people think of that that way they are thinking of water retention and that can be controlled with a good diet and cardio. so that is almost a moot point. same goes for aromatizing compounds. yeah you get a little estro raising up on you btu again with labs you can control it. and on a side not you cant really do both at the same time. you can slow lean gain but to call it a bulk is kind of a misnomer. you may only gain say 3-5lbs during a run if it is try lean mass.

with someone that is that haphazard with their health, i wouldnt make any suggestions at all. go to the doc and get them to help you out because if not then he is most likely going to live a very short and painful life. my wife's step dad was on dialisis until he got a transplant and seeing what he went through and goes through even today is eye opening. he waited on a transplant for around 3 years too.