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      A lot don't realize that if you take a drug like test suspension you are getting 100% of the 100 mg as testosterone. Where I believe Enanthate is in the 70% range.

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      Default Re: Favorite steroid charts

      Favorite steroid charts
      Quote Originally Posted by jolter604 View Post
      Here are some charts I always use to help people make stacks.
      that's a really awesome post for people that don't understand that testosterone is testosterone. the rest of the testosterone, meaning the Enanthate, Prop ECT, is just the Ester added on to control the time that it's released. but if you look at that chart look at cyp. It says 5 days to 12 days propane says 5 days and then I think Test E is at 14 days. I guess I would consider half of it maybe seven.

      People also don't realize the whole weight of the Ester is calculated into the dosage so the heavier the ester is the less testosterone there is per cc or per ml.
      I may be the only person in this world it seemes anymore that still uses straight water-based testosterone suspension. I get it from seven Labs. it's cheap as hell 10 cc's is I get for like $15 or less sometimes if I buy 10 I can get it for $10 and to me that shit is the most powerful rest per mg. There is no ester it's straight testosterone. meaning if you shoot 5 cc's in a week of that that's 500 mg of testosterone you get and if you look at the other percentages if you shoot 500 mg of test E i believe you only get like 73% of that. I have to relook at the chart but that's a really good chart man. it really tells you a lot if you think about it you know test is test it doesn't matter what's hooked on to it the only difference it makes is how frequently you need to inject it and the weight of the Esther is going to affect the milligrams so it's something like test suspension or test P I found that I could get by with 400 mg of suspension a week and it feels like six seven hundred milligrams of other types of test.

      I've been at this for a long ass time I mean I started bodybuilding at 16 in the gym but I was working out at 14 at home cuz they wouldn't let me join the gym till 16. that was 16 it was 1986. I'm sorry 1988 I competed in 1990 at 18. back then test suspension was all the rage man everybody wanted that it used to come in 30 cc bottles now I've only seen it in this one brand has it seven labs in 10 MLS.
      some people get some pip with it but it's easily controllable. all you have to do is get some B12 and add about a quarter of a cc of B12 to the test suspension and it'll cut off pip that also works with water based Winstrol. give it a shot what I do is I throw it in if I'm taking 500 mg of another kind of test or $750 I'll throw in some suspension three times a week 100 Monday 100 Wednesday 100 Friday. and watch what happens if that's the middle of your cycle you wait see it come to like one of those sticking points where you just seem stuck there perfect time to throw it in 3 cc's which is 300 mg or four even on top of the testosterone you already taking. I've also used it I've always used it for dieting when I used to compete I don't think I did a contest without suspension. WINSTROL and suspension. that's a really awesome combination if you're dieting I don't really hold water on anything really because my diet's good and my metabolism is fairly good my body fats always low so I really never hold water I can take the ball and roll anything people say they hold water and they still eat well all I can say to that is either I'm different than everybody else or they think they're eating right but they're really not I'm not sure which is true but I know I can't I don't hold water. but on suspension the testosterone is in and out of your body so quickly if you read about testosterone suspension you'll read you have to take it three shots a day it's it's sad you so quick which is a bunch of bullshit I mean I use it at 300 mg a week back in 1990 for a contest Monday Wednesday and Friday with 50 cc's of a Winstrol. worked great I didn't need to take it seven times a day just give it a shot the only problem is finding it. I would think that testosterone just the TNA they sell which is just a testosterone base may be the same thing just using oil as a carrier if you can't get the water based. if you want to try the real water-based and you can't find it just shoot me a PM and I have a couple places that you could get it from I mean it's not easy to find but I do have a few places and it's the cheapest type of testosterone there is and it's probably the best.

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      actually the oil-based TNT I'm pretty positive is the same thing just carried in oil. but still I don't use Winnie carried and oil either I only use the water based. I don't know it's just habit I know it works I know it works good I don't want to change anything I guess that's what happens when you get old you want to do what you did when you were younger most of you guys on here are probably 20 years younger than me at least. I just turned 50 last weekend actually. but there are two brands that make water based suspension that both brands have seen tested came back one of the brands came back over those by 20 mg it was 120 and the other one came back at 97 mgl.
      so either one of those brands I mean that's the only brands I use so and just about every product has been tested if you look into it enough and tested more than once by more than one site then they always they're never they're never low the only low number I ever saw was their anadril tested at 97 I'm sorry 47 mg rather than 50 which is negligible. and they're the only two that really have suspension it's seven Labs like I said which is based out of Sweden and is an awesome brand and dragon form I think they have a lab in China but they've been open forever and they have an awesome reputation. if you look up Dragon Pharma testing of their products you'll see that they're testosterone and end date I believe came back at 27 0 I mean there was a couple things that came back ridiculously overdosed and nothing underdosed I'm at 270 rather than 250 it's only 20 mg but still had much rather be given 20 extra then shorted 20. also I stick with them too because I know I don't have to worry about it you know I don't have to worry who made this where they make it is it reliable so I just stick with them plus I have a good relationship with a rep from Dragon Pharma and also the seven Labs company so that's why I get really good prices if I had the money to invest I would probably start a resale kind of thing they want me to but they want 20 grand minimum but I could scrape up but it's hard to pull the trigger because they'll only be paid in bitcoins and I know nothing about bitcoins and taking 20 grand and risking it on bitcoins I just don't feel comfortable with. but honestly none of that means a goddamn thing all I was trying to say was the oil based is technically the same and I have used an oil-best base 50 mg TNE with 50 mgs Anadrol EOD.

      like I said before in my last post the best time to take the tne or like this kind of combination or test suspension it works so fast it hits you like a freaking ton of bricks is when you we all get stuck in the middle of cycles at some point where you know you go really well for a few weeks then you seem like your plateauing a little bit that's when you add it in. and you'll see you'll get a boost and your cycle start going well again give it a try good luck guys.

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      i didnt see if anyone posted about it in here but activity levels effect these as well with esters as well as how much muscle mass you carry. i have seen active larger dudes on hrt levels go down to single digits after 200mg test e 1x per week. so 200 e 7 days later labs drawn and it lands in single digtis then at 4-5 days it lands in the mid 500s. dude does iron man comps and is a really big dude for that kind of stuff and strong as all hell. another older friend of mine on 200 cyp will land in the mid 200s after 7 days and only trains 3 days a week on a power lifter split. both are about the same age. those arent the only ones i have seen with clients i work with across the age spectrum. so pretty much its a rough estimate imo
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