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  • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
  • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
  • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
  • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
  • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
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  • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .

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  • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
  • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
  • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
  • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
  • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
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    Thread: Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . . .

    1. #1
      lex-ttp's Avatar
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      Default Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . . .

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      • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
      • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .

      • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
      • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
      • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
      • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
      • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
      • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
      I've never been a big winny-v fan. probably because it just has never really worked well for me, especially in terms of risk/benefit. The few times I've tried it over the years, it dried out my joints so bad (yes even when stacking with deca) or made me cramp up to the point where I was never honestly able to stay on long enough to give it a fair evaluation. . . . That said, I haven't paid much attention to the doses that it usually came in although I have been around long enough to remember that it was only available in 50 mg water-based version. Then I remember it being offered in oil-based alternatively and now, mostly oil-based.

      My question is this, over the years I thought that the dosages offered by most suppliers were either 50 mg but also a fair amount offered in 100 mg doses.

      Then I started looking at the suppliers on this board (me and a buddy are both going to try another cycle next order) and could only find it offered in 50 mg/ml and not just by one supplier, by all suppliers at this time. Was/is it not offered in 100 mg/ml by some suppliers or am I remembering wrong and 50 mg/ml is standard these days same as it's always been? If so, is it because it is that hard to stop from crashing/crystallizing at 100 mg vs 50 mg/ml or is there some other reason? Due to frequency of injections, I'd think if possible it would make more sense to offer in 100 mg/ml dosage.

    2. #2
      jipped genes's Avatar
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      Default Re: Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . . .

      Honestly I can't remember 100mg /ml winny. I just take the caps or tabs and forgo the inject. Anecdotally, it works the same for me and I do not limp around after the inject.

      Also, a bit of unsolicited advice, I started using T-bol in lieu of winny for my old joint's sake. Not as strong but more mild sides and no joint pain.
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    3. #3
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      Default Re: Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . . .

      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
      Honestly I can't remember 100mg /ml winny. I just take the caps or tabs and forgo the inject. Anecdotally, it works the same for me and I do not limp around after the inject.

      Also, a bit of unsolicited advice, I started using T-bol in lieu of winny for my old joint's sake. Not as strong but more mild sides and no joint pain.
      Not too many people seem to know anymore but evrryone seemed to at one point.
      With Test Suspension (water based test) and water based winstrol injectable, to stop the next day pain all together all you need to do is mix 1/4 cc of B12 B12 injectable per CC.
      You should get no pain at all.
      Water based winstrol is better than the oral. Just like you, people avoid it because of the injection pain. You do not have to.
      Also, test suspension, has gone just about extinct, is an awesome form of testosterone. I think the best there is.
      B12 is not as easy to get, in Injectable form, or as cheap as if used to be. Used to be able to order it straight from any veterinary supply company. Now need prescription.
      If you look it's not very hard to find though.

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      Default Re: Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . . .

      I agree water based test S or winny is a pain in the ass. I am not a fan of oil based winny

    5. #5
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . . .

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      • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
      • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .

      • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
      • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
      • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
      • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
      • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
      • Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . .  .
      Quote Originally Posted by PUMPED View Post
      I agree water based test S or winny is a pain in the ass. I am not a fan of oil based winny
      water or oil based solo or mixed with anything absolutely crippled me. it would lump up the size of a soft ball every single time i used it. i tried damn hard to mix it with different compounds and even sterile oil and it still did it. hell test e does it to me as well even shit i got from my doc. first batch of zambon amps i got i ended up drinking them after 5 shots. the test susp i ended up using 5 and giving the rest away. susp in oil they both still did it, so i would lean toward it being a compound that my body just didnt tolerate at all
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