it is by far the strongest compound you can jump on as far as anabolic to adrogenic ratio. it doesnt have impacts on most people's health markers whatsoever, no increase in rbc hemocrit and or hemoglobin. it also shouldnt skew your lipids either. the kicker is that if you have estro sensitivity issues it will absolutely destroy you. i have zero estro issues and even at 100 per day every day, i barely saw a raise in my estro levels and it caused zero issue. same with all my other health markers. i personally do not use it along with test because to me it is pretty much pointless. i guess you may see a little bump by adding test in but i didnt see the point and it was developed for test replacement and as birth control.

as far as dose and length. 25-100mg ed for up to 45-60 days if you dont have issues with estro. i would say stay around the 30 day mark if you do have estro issues because you will need something for estro control and that presents a host of other issues.

stuff is strong as hell like tren without all the adverse effects. it is actually stronger mg for mg.