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    Thread: Need honest feedback!

    1. #1
      Tattooboy75's Avatar
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      I have posted in the past and have received some great responses and I have a few questions that I felt that I could get helpful answers from my FG fam.

      Do you believe it is possible to have permanent ED issues due to using 1 cycle (10 ml bottle) of Deca? Is that really possible or could there be another cause?

      Also, do you think using TRT at 250 mg every 10 days could help or hurt existing ED issues? I am 44 years old now and have been on TRT for some time and really don’t know that there is any benefit to me stopping at this point. I feel like at my age I should continue use from now on, but I certainly don’t want to do something that could cause more issues with ED.

      Your insight is appreciated especially with a subject as touchy as this.

      Thank you!!

    2. #2
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      These are good questions and a lot of people are dealing with similar issues. Its very common. How long since you took a break from aas?

    3. #3
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      I have been on TRT for a couple of years now.

    4. #4
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      Default Re: Need honest feedback!

      Quote Originally Posted by Tattooboy75 View Post
      I have been on TRT for a couple of years now.
      A lot of guys on a cycle like yours. There could be a lot of factors that could contribute, chemistry wise. Give as much info as you can about any ancillaries you might be taking and specifics on your cycle. There are some really experienced people around here on this subject, like guns who for sure will be able to help you and give u some insight.

    5. #5
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      Man, that sucks. Your prob is prob not permanent.
      Some people have worse sides than others with deca. I cannot use it due to similar probs.

      I do TRT as well. 10 days is a stretch for cypionate with a half life of 7-9 days depending on the source you ask. Maybe try 175-200 mg every 7 days. I do 124 mg every 7 days and my test it good.

      A lot of times with deca, your Sex Hormone Binding Globulin will increase. SHBG will bind up test so it cannot act on the androgen receptor. Bets way to reduce SHBG is to come off, do PCT and then go back on test when your symptoms abate. Proviron has an affinity for SHBG and will bind to it leaving more free test for the androgen receptor.

      Also prolactin can be a prob after deca.

      I did a PCT while on TRT, I used 1,000 iu of HCG E3D until I used 5,000 iu, 50 mg clomid ED tapering down after HCG is done. Also cabergoline (for prolactin) at .25 mg every 4 days tapering down as well. This helped me A LOT! Caber can have some significant sides so watch for those.

      Man I am spitballing, been 20 years since I cycled deca.

      Last thing, if everything else is good, just get some cialis. Deca dick is not permenant.
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      Caber is must for me when using Deca or Tren. If your blood work is good keep using the test. Blood test are key to finding out where your hormones are truly at.

    7. #7
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      Default Re: Need honest feedback!

      Quote Originally Posted by HonestRep View Post
      Caber is must for me when using Deca or Tren. If your blood work is good keep using the test. Blood test are key to finding out where your hormones are truly at.
      Ive not used caber before. Whats it do? All Im using is test E & C. Would caber be of any benefit?
      I took clomid one time and ended up crying to some girl on the phone, throwing my dignity under the bus. hahaha

      Ive been on test for years with a 2 month break thrown in once in a while. About 250 mg every couple weeks. Nothing heavy. I take virtually no PCT whatsoever. I really dont have any problems Ive noticed but then again, maybe I could optimize my performance if I could get blood work and find out if everything is in balance and if I need some ancillary help. Ive just never bothered to look into it. I still get a real surge in my sex drive withing a couple days of injecting so I just dont think about it. No doubt the sex drive ebbs and flows for me depending on how long since I had a shot. Sometimes I go a full month between shots as long as Im feelin good.

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      Default Re: Need honest feedback!

      Been on TRT for years myself. 250mg Cyp every 7 days was my dose when I first started. I’ve since done Sustanon 500 every 7 days for awhile and go back to the 250 every seven days and so far no ed issues at all. Never messed with Deca tho

    9. #9
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      Default Re: Need honest feedback!

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      Ive not used caber before. Whats it do? All Im using is test E & C. Would caber be of any benefit?
      I took clomid one time and ended up crying to some girl on the phone, throwing my dignity under the bus. hahaha

      Ive been on test for years with a 2 month break thrown in once in a while. About 250 mg every couple weeks. Nothing heavy. I take virtually no PCT whatsoever. I really dont have any problems Ive noticed but then again, maybe I could optimize my performance if I could get blood work and find out if everything is in balance and if I need some ancillary help. Ive just never bothered to look into it. I still get a real surge in my sex drive withing a couple days of injecting so I just dont think about it. No doubt the sex drive ebbs and flows for me depending on how long since I had a shot. Sometimes I go a full month between shots as long as Im feelin good.
      caber is used for prolactin issues with 19nor compounds dzone(deca/tren). no need to add it to a test only hrt or cycle. hell no need to use it unless you get bloods done and have a prolactin problem. it can enhance sex in some but can also hinder it in some as well
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      Going along with guns I would only use caber with deca or tren. I definitely get prolactin sides with tren and the caber is a life saver. Nothing worse than trying to go in with a pool Noodle instead of a hammer.

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    11. #11
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      Default Re: Need honest feedback!

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      Ive not used caber before. Whats it do? All Im using is test E & C. Would caber be of any benefit?
      I took clomid one time and ended up crying to some girl on the phone, throwing my dignity under the bus. hahaha

      Ive been on test for years with a 2 month break thrown in once in a while. About 250 mg every couple weeks. Nothing heavy. I take virtually no PCT whatsoever. I really dont have any problems Ive noticed but then again, maybe I could optimize my performance if I could get blood work and find out if everything is in balance and if I need some ancillary help. Ive just never bothered to look into it. I still get a real surge in my sex drive withing a couple days of injecting so I just dont think about it. No doubt the sex drive ebbs and flows for me depending on how long since I had a shot. Sometimes I go a full month between shots as long as Im feelin good.
      No need for it with what you're doing. Why are you using test e and c? Is it a blend?

    12. #12
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      Default Re: Need honest feedback!

      Quote Originally Posted by Tattooboy75 View Post
      I have posted in the past and have received some great responses and I have a few questions that I felt that I could get helpful answers from my FG fam.

      Do you believe it is possible to have permanent ED issues due to using 1 cycle (10 ml bottle) of Deca? Is that really possible or could there be another cause?

      Also, do you think using TRT at 250 mg every 10 days could help or hurt existing ED issues? I am 44 years old now and have been on TRT for some time and really don’t know that there is any benefit to me stopping at this point. I feel like at my age I should continue use from now on, but I certainly don’t want to do something that could cause more issues with ED.

      Your insight is appreciated especially with a subject as touchy as this.

      Thank you!!
      No, that dose if deca would not permanently cause sexual difficulties. No dose would.
      You should stay on test replacement at your age, it will help sex drive considerably by itself. Add an ED med you will feel 18 again.

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      Default Re: Need honest feedback!

      Quote Originally Posted by HonestRep View Post
      Caber is must for me when using Deca or Tren. If your blood work is good keep using the test. Blood test are key to finding out where your hormones are truly at.
      If handled correctly there is no reason ED has to be a concern for anyone anymore.

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      Default Re: Need honest feedback!

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      Ive not used caber before. Whats it do? All Im using is test E & C. Would caber be of any benefit?
      I took clomid one time and ended up crying to some girl on the phone, throwing my dignity under the bus. hahaha

      Ive been on test for years with a 2 month break thrown in once in a while. About 250 mg every couple weeks. Nothing heavy. I take virtually no PCT whatsoever. I really dont have any problems Ive noticed but then again, maybe I could optimize my performance if I could get blood work and find out if everything is in balance and if I need some ancillary help. Ive just never bothered to look into it. I still get a real surge in my sex drive withing a couple days of injecting so I just dont think about it. No doubt the sex drive ebbs and flows for me depending on how long since I had a shot. Sometimes I go a full month between shots as long as Im feelin good.
      Of course you are going up and down with a 250 mg injection every couple of weeks. It is not frequent enough to keep your blood levels stable.
      You do not need blood work or need to worry about any problems and you definitely do not need any ancillary. They will do you more harm than good.
      My advise would be to take 125 mgs every 4 days. It is still a low enough dose that you do not need to be concerned about things like estrogen control.
      You try that and you will stay level. No more ups and downs. You would be taking 250 mgs every 8 days rather than 14. Every 14 days is going to give you problems, exactly what you describe.

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      Quote Originally Posted by pgc640 View Post
      Of course you are going up and down with a 250 mg injection every couple of weeks. It is not frequent enough to keep your blood levels stable.
      You do not need blood work or need to worry about any problems and you definitely do not need any ancillary. They will do you more harm than good.
      My advise would be to take 125 mgs every 4 days. It is still a low enough dose that you do not need to be concerned about things like estrogen control.
      You try that and you will stay level. No more ups and downs. You would be taking 250 mgs every 8 days rather than 14. Every 14 days is going to give you problems, exactly what you describe.

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      new doc i am working with is all about daily micro dosing with his patients. so if you are on 200mg of test c per week, you would do right around 20iu on a slin pin at the same time daily. i have done daily injections pretty much with everything for years to stay more stable but he tells me this is optimal for a host of good reasons. stable bloods are key across the board for sides is the biggest take away. he says his patients that arent as dedicated as i am are more prone to sticking to treatment with the smaller injections because they dont hurt as bad. even has some doing sub q with this approach with their test
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