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    Thread: Need honest feedback!

    1. #16
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      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      new doc i am working with is all about daily micro dosing with his patients. so if you are on 200mg of test c per week, you would do right around 20iu on a slin pin at the same time daily. i have done daily injections pretty much with everything for years to stay more stable but he tells me this is optimal for a host of good reasons. stable bloods are key across the board for sides is the biggest take away. he says his patients that arent as dedicated as i am are more prone to sticking to treatment with the smaller injections because they dont hurt as bad. even has some doing sub q with this approach with their test
      Makes sense. One injection of test every two weeks makes no sense at all.

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    2. #17
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      Default Re: Need honest feedback!

      Quote Originally Posted by pgc640 View Post
      Makes sense. One injection of test every two weeks makes no sense at all.

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      good friend of mine that i train with a lot of the time has some serious tbi. that on top of cycling for years and competing like i do has tanked his natty test levels. well he uses the military docs still after retiring and his test will drop down into the single and double digits. they have his injection sched setup at 2 weeks and it still always comes back super low haha. even with him telling the moron doc that it has completely cleared by the time they run labs. that doc has him scripted at 400mg every 2 weeks of cyp. he uses that doc as well as the same one i do, who keeps him in optimal range but still maintains what the other doc has for him as well. he is double dipping on the stupidity of the one
      TGBSupplements REP


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      Default Re: Need honest feedback!

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      new doc i am working with is all about daily micro dosing with his patients. so if you are on 200mg of test c per week, you would do right around 20iu on a slin pin at the same time daily. i have done daily injections pretty much with everything for years to stay more stable but he tells me this is optimal for a host of good reasons. stable bloods are key across the board for sides is the biggest take away. he says his patients that arent as dedicated as i am are more prone to sticking to treatment with the smaller injections because they dont hurt as bad. even has some doing sub q with this approach with their test
      For real? SubQ test with an insulin pin? Daily? Ive never done it. If so, that would be awesome.

    4. #19
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      Default Re: Need honest feedback!

      Ive been juicin for 20+ years , thats why at this stage, I try to see how long i can go between test shots, so I am going with feel now, its usually about day 10 I can feel a drop. Lately Ive been doing a CC of Enanth and a CC of Cyp. It works good and I keep my mass. If I ever compete again, I will inject more but until then, this works fine for everything. Sex drive is good on this schedule too. No problems. melanotan 2 also keeps sexual function at its peak
      Last edited by Dzone; 08-25-2020 at 10:27 AM.

    5. #20
      guns01's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      Ive been juicin for 20+ years , thats why at this stage, I try to see how long i can go between test shots, so I am going with feel now, its usually about day 10 I can feel a drop. Lately Ive been doing a CC of Enanth and a CC of Cyp. It works good and I keep my mass. If I ever compete again, I will inject more but until then, this works fine for everything. Sex drive is good on this schedule too. No problems. melanotan 2 also keeps sexual function at its peak
      brother you are setting yourself up for all kinds of possible health problems letting your test peak and valley like that. thats where all the cardiovascular issues from test come from. it messes with your body bad not being as close to in homeostasis as possible. like my doc says the more stable you can be the better and more healthy you will be in the long run
      TGBSupplements REP


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